Marine Hornet
2 28 March 2019, 02:20

So I am gonna try to do this in time for the show on April 20. And do it well.
28 March 2019, 02:21

Very cool, I have this kit on the bench right now as well, think its a good choice for a quick build, good fit and not over-constructed. So Im watching with interest 🙂
28 March 2019, 08:26

Hey Don, this will feel like a 1/72 kit after finishing the B-ONE.😄
28 March 2019, 10:07

Daniel, I am already impressed with the fit of the cockpit parts. This thing has plenty of detail and is simple as you pointed out. Are you gonna post yours?
Michael, LOL It does!!! Im not gonna know what to do with myself. LOL
28 March 2019, 22:00

yep, i am, project is called "BKR!"- its a bit of a slow progress atm, but no deadline for me😉
28 March 2019, 23:24

OK, the fit so far is top notch. I am impressed. Its definitely on the same level as Hasegawa.
29 March 2019, 20:40

It's going together well. Minimal gaps that are easily filled. Great detail. Really like this kit.
2 April 2019, 12:50

This kit has lovely details! And fit seems to be ok. I have the RoG version at home. Cant wait to put it on the bench. 😄
2 April 2019, 12:54

So, after scraping and sanding the canopy, I masked it. Good thing I am doing it open. The back seat sits a tad too high for it to be closed. Shhhhhhh. No one need know. Primered. Gonna spray in the intakes, stuff them then do the painting.
9 April 2019, 03:10

So the Fransh Blue has been sprayed. While that sets I will work on the weapons.
14 April 2019, 02:06

So, she is ready for some Pledge and then decals. The tail fins are not glued in. Just put them on for the pic. The fit is so snug that I wont need to at all.
14 April 2019, 21:00

Done for tonight. decals so far. These things are flipping awesome. They are nice and opaque. Nothing shows through. They are tough and settle right into every contour without setting solution. Which is good. I tried some solva set on one of the red and white stripe decals. It seems it and pledge do not get along well. Thankfully applying some more pledge over the area fixed the cloudiness.
these are SOOOOOOO much better than the crap they put in the F-4 kit a couple years ago.
15 April 2019, 03:11

Thank you Stephan. 🙂
Legs on. Front gear doors on. Weapons done. Not any real stencils for them. Left side decals done. Right side and bottom stencils to go.
16 April 2019, 04:16

How in hell did I miss this stunner. ?
I looked for my comments............but none I found. 🙁
So now I'll say.
What a stunner mate, and the canopy story. ? (Even Tamiya have done that too). 🙁
I am loving the 'office' and all it's fixtures Donald. 👍. You did a great job. 🙂
But what was with all the gap filler. ? Was it that bad. ?
16 April 2019, 04:41

Kerry, welcome sir! And thank you! The gaps were not that bad. I was just liberal in my application. I tend to not care with perfect plastic putty since it is so easy to remove. The fit is rather good. Aside from the intakes, which are a pain on EVERY damn model ever, it's been rather pleasant.
16 April 2019, 11:42

I am pleased there was a happy side to this build mate. 🙂 A most unusual colour scheme though. Better than that bloody plain gray though. 🙂 👍
16 April 2019, 11:52

This is precisely why I picked it up. I spent like 15 minutes in the hobby store comparing blues to the decals to get the closest I could find. French blue is pretty spot on. And it's certainly brighter than most Hornets. LOL
16 April 2019, 14:01

I am really impressed with what you have done. 👍
I am always looking for that 'different' thing. 🙂
Nothing freakish, but a challenge with a twist. LOL. 🙂 👍
16 April 2019, 16:34

And thats a wrap! She is done. I decided not to weather at all. Just the effects from black basing. The pics of the actual bird show a fairly clean machine. They also show no weapons, but I couldnt NOT have stuff on the wings. Just not natural. And let me say again, this kit is freaking awesome! Can NOT beat it for the money.
18 April 2019, 04:16

Kerry, the other decal option in the kit was interesting as well. Not quite as eye catching, but definitely worth doing. If you can find this kit, snag it.
18 April 2019, 04:19

Well done dude. Lots of boom under the wings... Some serious heat!
18 April 2019, 04:58

Awesome looking HORNET Donald 👍 👍 👍! Congrats to this eyecatching bird!!
18 April 2019, 05:09

Usually not a fan of the Bug because of what they did with the Cat, but your Rhino looks Superb, a huge 3 thumbs up.👍👍👍
18 April 2019, 07:22

Donald, you know too that the ground crews actually hate 'dirty' looking birds and will do all the can to make sure their charges are the cleanest on the line. And the way your beast looks Donald is just as they would have liked them.👍
18 April 2019, 07:36

Unfortunatly Kerry I've been told by a CO of 77Sqn that they don't get to clean their birds as often as they like. Where we usually wash our Bugs every 3 weeks to keep them clean.
18 April 2019, 08:11

I was totally unaware of that Michael. Thanks for the heads up mate. 😉 👍 Cheers.
18 April 2019, 10:59

For the record, USAF planes, outside of active war participants, are the nicest planes out there. ALL of them get jacked up in theatre.
18 April 2019, 12:53

Finished bird looks great Don! Yes AF birds tend to be the cleanest. They get to be put in shelters at night to keep dust and dirt off of them.
18 April 2019, 13:13

very nice indeed ,I think the clean look fits the colorful finish very well
18 April 2019, 19:52

Thank you Strphen and Daniel. 🙂
Daniel, I like what you did with yours, but as you said, this one was just too bright and colorful to make it dirty.
18 April 2019, 21:52