Tamiya: Subaru Impreza WRC 2001 - Final
1 6 April 2019, 05:08

Thank you guys. Glad you like it. It was a challenging (for me) but satisfying build.
7 April 2019, 00:52

How do you just pick up a hobby and be this good already?? It's always amazed me. This Subaru is really well made, I like the contrasting colors, I know they're decals but it's still cool... Did you swim your decals in Micro Set to help? Great job as always.
7 April 2019, 06:27

Thanks, Chris and Robert. I have to say it looks better in the pictures than in real life.
I did use lots of Micro Set and Micro Sol. It was a bit of a love/hate relationship. For the Set solution the decals would move too easily while trying to remove the excess, so that was maddening. Then adding the Sol solution would cause some of the nicely laid down decals to wrinkle, and there where decals that the solution didn't seem to have any effect in terms of conforming the decal to the contours. I'm really impressed with your Blue Shark decal work. When I saw that decal sheet I got an immediate decal PTSD flashback.
7 April 2019, 06:58

The Sol will cause the decals to wrinkle as the decal softens/stretches then it will tighten up and sink into crevices as it drys. I baby the Sol process with a Q-tip to help flatten and get rid of wrinkles as it drys.
7 April 2019, 18:00