Focke Wulf Fw 189A-1 on Skis - GWH 1:48Visualizar: apresentação de slides Mosaico Lista« Prev12Next » 123456789101112131415161718 Photo 1 of 18Comentários 1 20 April 2019, 22:09A. PriceThis is outstanding! What an amazing job Selman! 1 20 April 2019, 22:13Selman Yarar AutorThank you that was one of the most difficult ones because of the 15+ parts clear canopy 20 April 2019, 22:44Project infoFocke Wulf Fw 189A-1 on Skis - GWH 1:4818 imagens1:48ConcluídoFocke-Wulf Fw 189A-1 Wehrmacht Luftwaffe (German Air Force 1935-1945)KD+ROWorld War 2RLM70 RLM71 RLM65 RLM04 Todos os álbunsVer todos os álbuns »