Russian T-14 ARMATA
Photo 1 of 6
10 19 May 2019, 09:50

Your build looks very good. Did you detect some secrets in this mysterious tank while working on it? Surprisingly the turret has some inward edges prone to catch enemy projectiles.
19 May 2019, 10:16

As noted in album, it was gifted to me painted, unwaeathered, so can't take credit or comment on build. Will pass on your kind words to Anthony
19 May 2019, 21:43

James, can't comment it was gifted to me, I just lightly weathered. Anthony, the builder enjoyed it just couldn't be bothered finishing it and got sick of me asking when he would finish so I was a grateful recipient
20 May 2019, 12:59

Hi there, it looks nice. Question how did you mange to get the arms for the grilled armor around the engine exhaust to fit? Did you have to use a scalpel to remove a bit of the plastics to get it to fit?
12 December 2021, 15:10

I'm referring to the G31 part. G42 part seems a bit easier to put in place.
12 December 2021, 15:18

Mattias, I'm sorry, I was gifted the model built I just weathered
13 December 2021, 03:32
Album info
Weathered this model passed on to me, already completed and painted