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Bill Davis (GAjet)

FROG Hotspur glider

Photo 1 of 19


5 9 June 2019, 00:42
Matthew A
Pop corn ready.
 12 June 2019, 13:12
Bill Davis Autor
This is a old kit and has a lot of sink holes. I have filled them and will post pictures later.
 12 June 2019, 13:26
Matthew A
There's less sink holes on that early boxing then some newer ones I've seen
 12 June 2019, 13:53
Bill Davis Autor
that's why a got one of the older kits. I thought the molds might be in better shape.
 12 June 2019, 14:58
Matthew A
IWM has some intresting photos iwm.org.uk/collections
[img1]?_ga=2.31536701.2091697981.1560354909-2111101275.1560354909 [img2]?_ga=2.157890233.2091697981.1560354909-2111101275.1560354909 [img3]?_ga=2.157890233.2091697981.1560354909-2111101275.1560354909 [img4]?_ga=2.157390265.2091697981.1560354909-2111101275.1560354909
 12 June 2019, 16:03
Bill Davis Autor
Those are some good color photos. Do you notice the brace that goes across the bottom of the canopy? I am going to try and replicate that with .010 wire.
 12 June 2019, 17:01
Johan DN
I finished this kit last year. Had this kit for 30 years in my stash and I also painted with 30 years old Humbrol paint. I also had paused modelmaking for 30 years. Only problem were the decals. They totally disintegrated.
 12 June 2019, 19:24
Matthew A
I've put some more reference pictures in my project
 12 June 2019, 19:36
Bill Davis Autor
Johan , I had doubts about the decals, so I got some new ones by Black Bird.
 12 June 2019, 19:41
Bill Davis Autor
I have the airframe together, filled and sanded. Now it's time to prime.
 3 September 2019, 17:09
Matthew A
Looking good
 3 September 2019, 17:57
Bill Davis Autor
Since the Blue Max funny car is nearing completion, I have started working on the Hotspur. It is about ready to paint. Masking off the bottom for the black stripes is going to be challenging.
 27 May 2020, 16:16
Bill Davis Autor
Well, the Hotspur looks like a yellow belly sapsucker. Most RAF trainers were yellow, and if that was all there was to it, I would be done. The training gliders were yellow with diagonal black stripes. That should be...uh.....fun.
 1 June 2020, 01:36
Matthew A
Good luck
 1 June 2020, 10:09
Bill Davis Autor
It took a lot of tape for this one. I may have to buy some more before I am done!
 7 June 2020, 17:57
Bill Davis Autor
I applied Tamiya flat earth. Next is the green camo.
 11 June 2020, 02:04
Łukasz Gliński
Interesting project 👍
 12 June 2020, 15:43
Bill Davis Autor
I have a little touch up to do, but most of the painting is done.
 23 August 2020, 03:41
Bill Davis Autor
I got the decals on and did some weathering.
 15 October 2020, 15:01
Matthew A
Getting better and better
 15 October 2020, 16:28
Bill Davis Autor
These old kits have no cockpit detail, so I added some. There is little information on these gliders, and I had just a few photos to go by. Rather than a scale, nut, and bolts reproduction, I was looking for a representation of the interior. The Falcon vacuum formed canopy turned out so nice, I wanted some thing to look at!
 12 December 2020, 00:23
Bill Davis Autor
 12 December 2020, 20:29
Gordon Sørensen
Looks great, Bill! I did the Italeri Horsa a couple years ago with the yellow/black bottom. Did you mask the 'portholes' or use window-maker after painting?
 12 December 2020, 21:54
Johan DN
Some pictures of the Hotspur, including the cockpit: dropbox.com/sh/2raqc..YD40GyHoQL1fM6a?dl=0
 13 December 2020, 07:03
Bill Davis Autor
Gordon, I used Micro Krystal Klear for the porthole windows. It was easier than trying to mask the Airfix windows for painting, and looks as least as good.
 13 December 2020, 14:50
Matthew A
Glad it worked so well, I'll do the same
 13 December 2020, 21:39

Album info

Lately I have had an interest in WW II gliders. I have not built anything in a while so, I thought I would start with something simple. I believe I built a kit like this when I was a kid. I got it from Sears. I am pondering whether to try to add some cockpit details or throw some seat belts in it and call it a day.

19 imagens
1:72 HOTSPUR (Air Lines 7904)

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