F-111A 474th TFW, 429th TFS-Takhli, Thailand 1972
14 18 July 2019, 11:10

Oh boy, a baby-Vark, how cool is that!!! And a new version - already added to the group list 👍
Come on people, we can do it, we´ll cover all versions! Who is going to be the brave fellow taking on the NAVY "B" prototype? 😄
18 July 2019, 11:20

Yes, I'll do just that. There's no problem with the kit so far but I haven't glued that many parts together yet.
18 July 2019, 22:29

Chaotic start? Your workbench looks far more organized than mine! 😉
19 July 2019, 16:16

My desk have become much more organized over the years. Ten years ago I had a mere 10 x 10 cm patch to work on and then I also often just built one kit at a time. Today I try to have some form of order on my desk.
19 July 2019, 16:19

Thanks mate! The kit isn't the best but it's going forward at least. No real pitfalls so far.
22 July 2019, 19:38

It's taking shape rather nicely! Going for a swept-wing config too?
26 July 2019, 20:51

Thanks mate! Yes, I'll have the wings svept due to the HUGE see through gap...
26 July 2019, 21:30

The beast is finally primed and ready for some MRP. It's not a good kit and I've reached the stage where I just can't be arsed to bother with fixing bad joints with putty. No, All I wanna do now with it is to paint it and be done with it, it really isn't an inspiring kit...
31 July 2019, 19:49

Yepp, it's dark alright so Dark Vark is fitting at the moment...
31 July 2019, 19:54

😄 I recognize that feeling! That you're just done with a heap of mediocre plastic and just want to slap paint on it and be done! 😉
31 July 2019, 20:14

Love that plane! A pitty it's so hard to find one nowadays... hope a new tooling without fit issues in the near future!
31 July 2019, 21:05

Wow, very nice, congrats! I'm watching, 'cause I have the same kit- in an AMT box. I want to build an Vietnam warrior, too.
1 August 2019, 08:57

Thanks mate! I hope that I provide help and tips for your build along the way...
1 August 2019, 09:43

Very nice looking camo! MRP's are just a pleasure to apply... Did you freehand this?
2 August 2019, 04:50

then here come 2 additional thumbs up for such a freehand job in 72-scale! 👍 👍
2 August 2019, 11:00

I accidentally dropped my Sotar when I was connecting it to the hose in order to make the quick fixes for this build. Needle bent beyond repair and the nozzle is ruptured. New parts on order. Instead I used my H&S Infinity CR+ with an 0.2 mm needle.
5 August 2019, 22:47

What's the difference between the Sotar and the H&S? I have both the Ultra and Evolution an like them both.
6 August 2019, 01:15

They're both excellent. The atomization of the paint is a bit better in the Sotar though but not much. I can do the same work with the 0.15 mm needle in the Infinity as I can do with the Sotar's 0.21 mm needle. But the fine work for me comes a bit easier with the Sotar in spite of being more used to the H&S. That's probably due to the design of the Sotar, it's rather short from the trigger to the tip so the feel is more like I'm holding a pen.
6 August 2019, 08:44

Hmmmm.... Something to have a look at then. Thanks for the feedback! 👍
6 August 2019, 16:19

I just looked it up on Spraygunner.com and it looks like an airbrush specifically designed for spraying small. Looks nice! 👍
6 August 2019, 16:24

It is good and versatile as you can get it with three needle sizes in the retail package. The Sotar is easy to work with and I say that in spite of only having had it for close to a month. This build is in fact the only one I've used it on and only tried a little dabbling with it for 15 minutes or so on my paint mule when I got it on the 12th of July.
6 August 2019, 17:16

I'm done with the kit now. Not the best kit I've ever built, no it's far from it and a rather boring kit with a lot of fit issues. I lost the feel for the build half way or so and thought that I just should finish it and move on. Started on July 17th '19 and ended on August 11th '19. Could've been done with it at least 1½ week earlier, possible two weeks earlier but I started three other builds in the process as well. Had some bad luck with the build as I snapped off two blade antennas and the tip of the pitot. The landing light was to be the sacrifice to the dreaded Carpet Monster. But I'm done with this now and I got three birds on the desk (two 1:48 and one 1:72, two props and one jet.) that awaits various work moments...
11 August 2019, 22:56

Nice build Urban. I think the camo came out great and I love the bomb art.
11 August 2019, 23:30

You are too harsh on yourself! I think you've made gold from base-metal on this one, it has the look and feel of an F-111.Great build, Sir!
12 August 2019, 03:04

You took a mediocre kit and turned it into a gem. Hats off Urban!
12 August 2019, 03:12

Another Vark GB contribution across the line! 🙂 Great work, I still admire the hand-job camo and the rest also came together really nicely - good show! 👍
12 August 2019, 04:58

Thanks mates! I thought it was suitable for Linebacker II with "Merry X-Mas, Ho Ho Ho, Give peace a chance and To hell with war"
12 August 2019, 08:59

Nice (though a little bit dusty with that white thingy), I like the exhausts the most 👍
13 August 2019, 12:56

Cool load out and a nice SEA camo! Nice to see what arose in your living room!🙂
29 August 2019, 05:17

Thanks mate! My building will be slowed down a bit again now though. My living room have been overrun by a kitten...
29 August 2019, 07:43

@ Urban: So you need a dog to to throw back the kittens attack?😉
29 August 2019, 09:28

Nah, I'm not a dog's person. No, I'm Kitty through n' through! I'm been sick for a cat for close to 25 years and couldn't take it anymore. A bad spell of fortune as well in my life made the leap easier as I realized that I needed a cat in my life to even out all the bad stuff that's happening. It'll be fun to see the reaction from my spouse when she comes home again this evening as she doesn't know it yet. She crashed her car (thankfully not a scratch on her) 1½ month ago and haven't been able to travel home as it took time for her to get a new car and so (she's normally commuting weekly to her work 150 km from me and have an apartment of her own 180 km from me). I've had this fur ball of madness from hell for a week now, excellent psyche but he's got two settings, On: full speed ahead damn the torpedoes or Off: come hell or high tide let me sleep it through. So basically like a normal kitten at 14 weeks should be.
29 August 2019, 09:46

Such a young kitty? Blade sharp claws but cute as hell!😎
Good that nothing serious happened in the accident!
29 August 2019, 09:57

Yes and yes! Single accident hitting the barrier wire. She lost the concentration for half a second and one wheel cut down in the soft verge and she over compensated and lost the control ending up in the wire barrier. Thankfully she managed to hit the brakes hard enough before. Her VW Polo from 2003 is a total write off and now she's gotten hold of a Peugeot 308 from 2015 so that's a big step up for her.
29 August 2019, 10:07

Yes, that's what's the most important as cars is replaceable in contrast to humans. As for kittens, how is it not possible to love the little rascals...
29 August 2019, 10:40

Maybe you could train the kitty to do realistic chipping effects...😉
Good to hear that only the car took the brunt of the crash... If it has tomhappen, a write off car + an unhurt person is a good balance... Lots of good miles with the Peugeot!
29 August 2019, 11:38

Good to hear that only the car needs a replacement Urban 🤔
With the kitten in town you will have a good help in realistic plan crash dio's😉
29 August 2019, 14:10

I'm happy that it went as well as it did. And as a bonus is the fact that she didn't like the Polo so there's a win there at least. As for the kitten I'm not that afraid as I'm not that keen on my builds once they're built. No it's the journey that is the goal with my building. The problem is keeping ongoing builds safe. I caught him using an 1:72 M13/41 that awaits decals and the final weathering as a toy...
29 August 2019, 14:58

Nice one mate, I used to live up the road from RAF Upper Heyford, which was home to the F-111's of the 20th TFW, plus a few Ravens
16 July 2020, 13:08
Album info
Operation Linebacker II- Christmas 1972