16 August 2019, 00:34

Another promising looking take on this charismatic little bird - looking good so far 👍 - have you decided on the colors & finish yet?
17 August 2019, 22:34

Yep, I`ll do "51" black scheme. Almost no masking and challenging color..
17 August 2019, 23:54

You haven't seen chassis`s compartment) All these hidden details: [img1]
4 September 2019, 21:57

Indeed this appears to be a very fine model... There seem to be several such kits since Zvezda went into "Tamiya mode"... Nice 👍
5 September 2019, 06:13

What exactly do you mean by "Tamiya-mode"? Easy assembly? Nope)
5 September 2019, 17:29

Hehe, I did not assemble any of the new Zvezdas yet... Seen some open in a store & the molds & details looked like nothing before from that corner... 🙂 But if it´s great detail that only needs to be filed away due to fit issues, I´ll pass...
5 September 2019, 17:31

I didn't try to say they have awful fitting, just that their engineering isn't as good as their 3d-models. Like on isu-152 1/72 model: great details, but wheels won't come on their positions without sanding, they call it "snap-title kit for beginners". Or gray plastic, that I find rather soft.
In case of Yak-130, I can name such things like "unpolished right wing" where I can see surface like ladder, and "overdetailing of wing bays" those you can't show fully open like on late 1/48 model. So, I must sand that right wing and I'll lose some panel lines that aren't very pronounced (
Anyway, for its money it's a good deal anyway) You can try 1/100 models, they have great details and price for this scale! (Well, except tracks)
Also they said that on su-57 panellines will be more pronounced, so I'm waiting to see it in model shop, on last su-30 they were worse than on su-33(
5 September 2019, 18:09

Pilots were painted and glued on positions. I added some lines and circles to monitors, now time to cover cockpit with matt varnish and glue canopy. As for explosive cord.... I couldn't painted it, I tried to paint it by 0 brush, and remove excess paint with toothpick, but that wasn't effective. In the end I had to bathe a canopy in Pledge to hide scratches I made.
13 September 2019, 23:19

Interesting build. Impressed with the intake trunking as well. Is there a kit out there that doesn't have a fit issue? I have yet to build one that didn't require putty and sanding. Can't wait to see paint go down on this one.
18 September 2019, 11:33

No fit issue? Spitfire Mk.IXc (Work in progress) | Album by rPenguin (1:48) photos 17 and 18. And that's it. Like an easy walk.
18 September 2019, 11:51

You weren't kidding. Okay so there a few unicorns out there. LOL
18 September 2019, 12:01

Used 0.5mm nozzle for priming. Not good. At least, for ammo`s "one shot". I`ll sand it a little and prime again.
7 October 2019, 22:09

Sorry guys, I dropped project. I have no desire to start over and no desire to have further business with water-based primers.
8 October 2019, 22:14

Oh... sorry to hear/see that... Never tried priming water based, now likely I never will...
9 October 2019, 08:25

Of course, not so much paint was piled up, but I already had nothing to lose.
9 October 2019, 15:50