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Tino Löffler (Lupus)

Exchange parts for WWT Panther

Photo 1 of 39


1 18 January 2020, 15:38
Tino Löffler Autor
The video which proves that the tracks are worable: instagram.com/p/B7cJ..rce=ig_web_copy_link
 18 January 2020, 16:14
Thomas K.
Hi Tino! Respect for this work with this result! 🙂
 20 January 2020, 21:36
Tino Löffler Autor
Thank's Tom. 🙂
 21 January 2020, 13:31
Tino Löffler Autor
The torsion spring work: wos-3dmodels.de/2020..rsystem-panther.html
 9 February 2020, 21:18
Tino Löffler Autor
I have some news on my blog: wos-3dmodels.de/
 10 February 2020, 19:31
Hi Tino,

that´s a little bit sick, isn´t it? Aftermarket parts to pimp a toon tank!. Nice work so far.
 27 February 2020, 12:32
Hi, you designed the parts by yourself? Outstandig!
 3 March 2020, 13:15
Tino Löffler Autor
Hey Roland, what should I say? The toon tank fans love it. I created it for my self, but I made the mistake and shared the pics, now I had to start with a shop...
 4 March 2020, 18:41

Album info

I designed some new parts for the Meng kit.
- new workable track
- new suspension
- and maybe more...

When I'm satisfied with all, I will sell it.

39 imagens
Em progresso
1:Egg PzKpfw V Panther (Meng Model WWT-007)

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