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The French ScaleModeler 76 (TheScalemodeler)

Album M1A1 Abrams


7 20 January 2020, 15:04
Konrad -
Very nice build so far! How is the kit any major issues so far? Thanks
 20 January 2020, 16:52
The French ScaleModeler 76 Autor
Nope, it's a beautiful kit with a lots of details
 20 January 2020, 17:17
Konrad -
Thanks mate. I'm looking forward to your progress 👍!
 20 January 2020, 20:21
Andy Dallibar
Loving the interior.
 19 May 2024, 19:26

Project info

42 imagens
Em progresso
1:35 M1A1/M1A2 (Rye Field Model RM-5007)
M1A2 Abrams
US US Army (1784-now)
Desert Sand

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