TreehuggerLooks nicely detailed. Never heard of this brand before. Is it a cheaper kit?
14 April 2020, 18:50
Ondra Koukal AutorIt is quite expensive. The kit costs 25 euro.
14 April 2020, 19:03
jhull123Looks great! You have a lot of excellent 1/72 builds!!
15 April 2020, 01:00
Spanjaard1/72?? wow, i was sure it was 1/35! amazing
15 April 2020, 22:07
Ondra Koukal AutorI love resin kits for their precise details 🙂
16 April 2020, 07:16
NeulingIt really looks like 1/35.
16 April 2020, 09:34
Rui STiny but Great, indeed 👍
22 January 2022, 18:01
Resin kit with aluminium barrel.