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Saori Takebe (武部 沙織, Takebe Saori)


8 28 September 2020, 19:27
Augie Autor
🙂 Naw, but considering it 😛
 28 September 2020, 23:19
Ben M
 29 September 2020, 03:29
Clifford Keesler
You sure are multi talented there Missy, I'm lucky if I can get a pilot figure to look good, I'm trying to paint "Maverick and Goose" right now for my son's Top Gun F-14.
 30 September 2020, 00:36
Augie Autor
Lol thanks Clifford, I'd not go that far.. but its an interesting experiment on how many magnifiers I need to see the details.. or new glasses again
 30 September 2020, 18:04
Ben M
good lord how did you paint those eyes like that?
 7 October 2020, 22:18
Augie Autor
Yep, they are decals.. I am good with a brush but not that gifted.
 7 October 2020, 23:39
Augie Autor
Mouth done too, thats not decal this time.. wish it was O.o
 7 October 2020, 23:54
Donald Dickson II
Very well done so far! Lady of many talents. 🙂
 8 October 2020, 01:23
Clifford Keesler
Looking very nice Mam.
 8 October 2020, 02:57
Augie Autor
Thanks guys 🙂

I need a stronger magnifyer lol
 8 October 2020, 08:04
Patrick Hagelstein
And the brush fairy hits again! Nice figure, Augie! 👍
 8 October 2020, 14:13
Augie Autor
Thanks Patrick 🙂 only another 4 to go
 8 October 2020, 15:42
Augie Autor
Hi Roland, Yes.. thats my plan.. just working out scales etc.. at 7.9KM log for the "Original" scale is going to be difficult.

 8 October 2020, 17:00
Augie Autor
Smallest tank I have seen is 1:2000.. which would equate to about 4 meters in length.
 8 October 2020, 17:02
Augie Autor
First attempt at red stripe around the collar.. not too bad. Also last coat on the hair.. just need to finish the tank and then can put her togehter too 🙂
 10 October 2020, 16:13
Augie Autor
So one down.. 4 to go.
 12 October 2020, 13:51
Clifford Keesler
Looks really nice, well done. You are still master of the paint brush.
 12 October 2020, 22:11
Augie Autor
Thanks Clifford 🙂 makes an interesting change doing these
 13 October 2020, 08:00
Clifford Keesler
I'm still trying to slog my way through this Tomcat. LOL.
 14 October 2020, 00:55

Project info

20 imagens
1:35 Anko Team Panzer Jackets ver. (Platz GPF-10)

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