Whiffery in Progress
9 12 January 2021, 22:34

Wow Augie, that's a rare bird. Glad to have the first seat here 🙂
12 January 2021, 23:50

Rare bird and I missed out on a second this evening due to work 🙁
I cant build her as one of the prototypes so I am going to bash this into something else, Currently no idea what colors she'll be in likely RAF
13 January 2021, 00:03

Seen a few pics of what ifs with Tornado tanks etc but would'nt be appropriate if the Eagle was in service,anti-flash white or wrap around grey.
13 January 2021, 10:17

Hi David, thinking she carried enough fuel, so thinking perhaps wrap around or desert.. with pylons under the wings with some goddies on..
13 January 2021, 14:59

70's radar/TV Martels,80.s sea eagles.Endless list,got one in the stash.Is that the resin FR probe defo having a seat.
13 January 2021, 16:44

So some first coats on and its held together with hair bands..
Pylons are a mix of F-15 centre line and F-105 which have been cut down to same hight. LANTIRN pod is from the spares box. not got much further with weapons load outs.. I am kinda considering over wing pylons for Sidewinders, or wing tip but unsure.
14 January 2021, 00:52

Welcome roland 🙂 soon as I have computer back working there will be some pics to come.
14 January 2021, 23:14

Quick update of where we're at.. the fits not great to be honest..
Then the fit with the windshield is utterly shocking, The clear part has totally different front contour to the fueslage.
fun time
15 January 2021, 19:19

Ugg, worst moment, grafting the nose on.. looks good so far, but I hate that kinda grafting
15 January 2021, 21:52

So, Fuselage is buttoned up. Which means I can start on a few of the mods.. First up, Bomb bay sealed up.. Considering mine is supposed to be a later lift in service on, I'm working on the version having had the bay removed for fuel and additional hard points added..
16 January 2021, 22:36

So nose job is tested under paint, seems ok. first of the hard points are on, Just about level with the intakes, one for LANTIRN and one for ECM pod. Wings are drilled for pylons, and thinking under Fuselage pylons, where the bomb bay was.
17 January 2021, 17:15

For a moment my mind said those were gallon buckets of paint and that was an extremely large model.
I like the look of those hard points.
17 January 2021, 18:33

So pylons are drilled and dry fitted, thinking under nose IR system too, not glued yet as not 100% on it. Thinking further under fuselage pylons, kinda like tornado has for fuel tanks..
18 January 2021, 23:47

Thanks Clifford.
So gear doors are in place, test of front pylon loads, wing is now secured on.. along with airbrakes.. looks a mean beast.. oh and first coat inside canopys.
19 January 2021, 23:58

Its getting there James, its been a bit of the beast. Molds are from airfix just wanted to get kits out of the door, so its not perfect but good enough.. very canberra esq in molding
20 January 2021, 00:16

We have paint! slight variation to the usual light stone & dark earth, but its quite striking. Pylons are going to be Hu125.. weapons and pods mix of white pods and green bombs.
21 January 2021, 21:16

Thanks James 🙂 Yeah first coat an all, see a few spots that need attention so will fix them and then second coat it
22 January 2021, 00:54

Thanks Konrad, tried to be unusual with this one, so far its working
23 January 2021, 15:57

I have been bogged down with the Jaguar, and was sick for a few days am fine now. I knew you would turn out a gem on this one.
24 January 2021, 00:31

Lol christ clifford, glad to hear you back on your feet, will have to look for the jag, I seemed to of missed it
@ Don, you made it and its not yet finished lol 🙂
24 January 2021, 00:35

Yea, I thought for a few days that I might of finally caught the dreaded Covid, but it turned out to be just a Sinus infection.
24 January 2021, 01:29

Well sinus infections can be nasty, but yeah I can say very much preferable to the alternative
24 January 2021, 01:46

OK, I gotta do this. Guys, it is NOT might of or must of. Its might've, or must've or should've etc etc. ARGH! 😄
Back to modeling now. 🙂
24 January 2021, 03:57

Thanks Jos, your right, the tsr2 is surprisingly big compared to the canberra, F-111
24 January 2021, 08:45

They are almost impossible to find anymore. Have always liked the look of it, and wanted to build one. It seems aftermarket parts a readily aviable but not the kit. Yours is awesome Augie.
24 January 2021, 21:03

Hey Donald, after I finish the Jag, I think I am going to take you up on a challange you made to me a while ago. I think I am going to tackle one of my Monogram/Revell F-15C's.
24 January 2021, 21:05

Thanks Clifford, they do pop up on ebay once in a while, last I saw went for £40
24 January 2021, 21:14

Thanks Clifford, I'm doing some weathering now, usual with a bird of this size, takes a while
26 January 2021, 09:58

Thanks David.
I'll be doing a little bit of back story for her in the description.. but of fun an all that.
26 January 2021, 12:59