ZSU-23-4 ShilkaVisualizar: apresentação de slides Mosaico Lista 12345 Photo 1 of 5Comentários 20 20 December 2021, 07:58Lost_ErikThose are fantastic weathering results! 👍 22 December 2021, 01:57NeulingI agree. 👍 22 December 2021, 08:56Rui SVery well done, indeed 👍 24 December 2021, 15:07Bas TonnAnd now the A-10 overhead 😉 Classic cold-war combo 24 December 2021, 16:46James CAwesome 👍 24 December 2021, 17:35Simon NagorsnikLooks good- well done job! 7 January 2022, 22:22Album infoHad to remove the cooling hoses, paint kept flaking off and they were sticky somehow. I didn't want to deal with the inevitable dust that would cake on and stick to them.ZSU-23-4 Shilka5 imagens1:35ConcluídoTodos os álbunsVer todos os álbuns »