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Michael South (ikabod)

Moonliner Album

Photo 1 of 11


2 21 March 2022, 04:36
Michael South Autor
As you can see from this image the model has its issues. The air frame is divided into two halves. But the contour where the two halves meet is a little warped. So Bondo putty was used and was quite successful.
 21 March 2022, 04:42
I'll 👀
 21 March 2022, 05:45
That is a seriously big build
Taking a seat
I'm happy I don't have to find space for that one in my place
I would have to move
 21 March 2022, 06:55
Robert Podkoński
Awesome... it looks like one could install a rocket engine and launch it 😉
 21 March 2022, 08:18
Michael South Autor
LOL, that would mare the upcoming paint job a bit.....
 21 March 2022, 18:36

Project info

11 imagens
Em progresso
1:24 TWA Moonliner (Masterpiece Models MMTWA)

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