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Karel Doležal (Doja)

Panzer III Ausf.J


40 25 April 2022, 06:02
Ron Kok
I have the same kit and the Stug here on stash so I follow you build with pleasure.
 25 April 2022, 09:43
Karel Doležal Autor
I also have StuG, but I had to start with Panzer. The box is big and I have nowhere to give it 🙂
 25 April 2022, 10:01
 4 May 2022, 05:53
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Wow, 1:16. 👀
 9 May 2022, 10:22
The 16th scale is amazing. Great work.
 9 May 2022, 14:00
Ron Kok
Nice progres on the Panzer 🙂 did you have any problems with fitting the parts?
 10 May 2022, 21:54
Karel Doležal Autor
Thank you. Parts are fine, just need to clean up some of the burrs from the pressing. I had the most trouble fitting the hinges of the turret hatches and engine hatches to make them functional. The manufacturer didn't do a very good job of that.
 11 May 2022, 06:16
Rui S
Looking good 👍
 21 May 2022, 19:29
Simon Nagorsnik
What's going on here?!
Do i see color here?
I'm really looking forward to seeing a painted model of you!
And then a project like this, i'm sure, this will be very nice...
 12 June 2022, 05:36
David Taylor
 12 June 2022, 06:35
Francois Colinet
Nice build ! This seems to be a very good kit.
 3 August 2022, 07:11
Looking forward here ........... paint work at last ..............🙂
 8 August 2022, 07:09
David Taylor
coming along well.
 8 August 2022, 15:54
Guy Rump
Looking good! 👍
 8 August 2022, 16:37

Project info

39 imagens
Em progresso
1:16 Panzer III Ausf.J (Das Werk DW16002)

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