July 4th Spad
105 10 July 2022, 07:46

Kits from Eduard are discontinued but still available in decent quantities (as of 7/2022) and the decal maker is offering the decals at a greatly reduced price to move them out....act soon if this is a kit you want to try...
11 July 2022, 02:21

....did someone say rigging?...this is not a big kit....115mm wingspan....struts are about 14mm....not sure where my skills will go....Eduard photoetch stretchers and EZLine type material is the plan...wish me luck!
31 July 2022, 00:09

...if decals are your thing...and maybe little models...try this one!
It took me several tries to get some of these large decals "right" (see photos)....i might just buy some more copies of the decals because the base model is a cinch (all white then gloss coat)....and the decals are being phased out and the kit is discontinued....
6 August 2022, 04:32

Having decided to dive into this project, of these colorful Spads and wanting to get it right.....some lessons have emerged from the first go, which did result in one side being "correct" all the way down and a plan for the bottom to line up is underway....
1st.....install the top decal as far forward as it can go, with the tips scraping against the cockpit rim. This is well forward of the drawings. The top now is the template for the rest of the connections.
2nd....install both sides and line them up carefully with the top, ignoring the fact this will leave 1-2mm gaps at the front
3rd.....trim a good amount...how much is up to you... of the bottom so it fits and connects well across the board...this will be well back of the drawings. You will see immediately something has to give...i suggest trimming so the three diamonds fit comfortably and then harvesting some blue diamonds to lay down between the two red layers on the sides...that might look good.
4th...now, its time to fix the front....it works to trim individual color diamonds and lay them over the ends so they cross the cowling and fill the gaps. It is a bit of Zen exercise with arranging the little decal just right and then waiting overnight to put on the Micro Sol so it melts a bit...then moving on the next end....a good book or something else productive is in order for the two-three days it gets to completion...but, it works and it looks good. Check the photos.....On the tail, where there will be gaps, paint might work fine.
5th...The center three rows in front of the pilot are one decal from the maker...i cut them up into three to fit better. Moving that whole center piece back looks better and can be fixed with a patch or the whole row replaced by harvesting. The sides might look better with harvested slimmer blue rows.
6th...add jaunty top hat decals to the sides and a few on the tail....
7th....overcoat to seal the decals? I think you are done.
7 August 2022, 04:04

yes...it is all adding up to a rebuild...finish this one and see what other lessons there are...maybe the rebuild will get an interior?
7 August 2022, 07:01

Very nicely done!
From the second sheet the first one (with the Irish clover) to follow? And another one in 1/48? You should check, that the decals fit on the Dragon one, as Eduard has also a SPAD in 1/48.
I have not build a SPAD so far, but one day VII and XIII will enter my bench ....
7 August 2022, 08:02

thank you all!.....there are at least 6 more Starfighter Decals versions here in the stash...three are Eduard Spads and the others decades old Hasegawa Seagulls and Revell/Academy Peashooters....the folks who make the decals do a nice job and its fun to go retro modeling....none of it is expensive because they are all 1/72...
11 August 2022, 01:29

I have seen the Irish one in a book (can't remember which one), but in 1:48 there are only the egg ones.
11 August 2022, 07:39

The first Spad has been butchered and cut open and abused in many ways...all to learn something about this kit and how to build it....so, it is time to start over, knowing the exhaust holes need to be drilled out, the rear mount for the front strut needs to be opened up, all the holes for the wing struts need opening, etc.....
...the big one...experience with the decals that cover the entire airplane....hopefully, all the diamonds will line up...
22 August 2022, 18:19

thank you, all!...the decals are done....even the little nose diamonds...and now...it is time to make a Spad.....
21 September 2022, 07:26

Following. Interesting idea of using the bristles for rigging.
21 September 2022, 11:12

...a big sigh of relief to get to here....more rigging fun to follow...
4 October 2022, 09:27

He he he a bit of a rigging nightmare. Well done and I admire your hard work. You might need smaller fingers 😄
4 October 2022, 10:09

Oh, you're following in the footsteps of that Swiss model builder who built 40 Fokker D.VIIs by Roden?
4 October 2022, 10:20

It's like that Monty Python script: spad spad spad spad, spadditty spad! There's not much spad in that.
4 October 2022, 11:21

thank you...yes...the center rigging will get done...i just needed some time away...
5 October 2022, 05:12

The scheme on this plane looks great. Great work on the decals ans good luck with the rigging!!!
5 October 2022, 07:57

wing rigging complete and the tail installed with a bit of rigging...
14 October 2022, 09:37

I'm running out of superlatives to describe the work Lochsa, but your 'mistake' is barely visible to my eyes
14 October 2022, 12:51

thank you...you mates are great..!
..some final rigging to do with some overcoating and this little thing will be finished.... it might be ok from a distance...no more white planes for a while.....
16 October 2022, 10:37

I'm totally astonished. I really admire your skills and your bravery! Bravissimo!
16 October 2022, 11:23

Thanks for the pics!
Focus stacking is too time consuming for me - I just increase the distance to the model which increases depth of field and then cut away the unwanted parts. Works like digital zoom - webpictures are anyway much smaller than what the sensor delivers
29 November 2022, 18:13

1 December 2022, 11:24