T-62 In Zvolen, 21.8.1968
August 3, 2022The kit comes is top open box with pretty ugly and oldfashioned box art/design. Yes - maybe Iam spoiled with level of other modelmaking brands. All the sprues were relatively safely packed in plastic bags. Nice surprise is metal barel and few PE parts. Instructions manual is at average quality just like whole kit. This is my first Trumpeter kit, so I had low expectations.
When I decided to build T-62, I was choosing between this kit and new tooling ZveZZda T-62 and as far as reviews said, and my geopolitical gonscience choosed lesser evil option - i choosen to try Trumpeter! Kit reviews were right, parts dont look that bad for 2009 trumpeter tooling, they are lot of mould flashes but as i said i havent expected top quality kit.
Im curious about how the build will go on and if all the parts will fit at least averagely, I dont expect fiting quality like as in “new modern tooling big brands”.2
August 10, 2022The build was little boring, this kit in general is awful. Many parts does not fit to each other, some details are really bad, mould flashes ruins some of details.3
August 10, 2022Some gaps were filled by tamiya two part epoxy putty. Then I primed the model with mahogany surfacer.4
August 10, 2022After 4BO first coat.5
August 16, 2022The singlepart tracks assembly was a horror. I stopped counting tracks breakdown after 5th time, I think, some breakdowns came after paitning and trying to put them on wheels. Luckily in the end it does not look that bad, even the shape of tracks looks realistic.6
August 16, 2022Tank body finished. Some areas was postshaded with lightened 4BO. Also applied clear coat and some panel washig to outstand details and edges.7
August 16, 2022The one (and only?) thing thats great in this kit is copper towing cables. It’s really easy to give them correct shape and put them where they has to be. It’s much better than textile rods replicates tow cable, maybe other brands should inspirate by Trumpeter.8
August 16, 2022Turret mounted. Invasion stripe was only freestyle freehand try, Im not very happy with it, anyway, Russian invaders also painted it by hand in reality.9
August 16, 202210
August 16, 2022I’m thinking about adding little of weathering when I have some more time.11
August 16, 2022Inspiration for this project. Authentic historical photography of “043” tank in front of Hotel Poľana in my hometown Zvolen in central Slovakia on august 21th 1968.
Source and copyright : Ústav pamäti národa / Nation's Memory Institute of Slovak Republic
The Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia refers to the events of 20–21 August 1968, when the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic was jointly invaded by four Warsaw Pact countries: the Soviet Union, the Polish People's Republic, the People's Republic of Bulgaria and the Hungarian People's Republic. The invasion stopped Alexander Dubček's Prague Spring liberalisation reforms and strengthened the authoritarian wing of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KSČ).
Occupation started on a night from 20th to 21th august. Whole power of invasion forces was 27 divisions consisted of more than 500 000 soldiers, 6 300 tanks, 2 000 howitzers and 800 aircraft. based on the latest research, the number of civilian casualties in Czechoslovakia is 108, 37 of them in Slovakia. The authorities told the nation to not to resistant the invasion in an effort to avoid casualities.
Until 1989 when “Velvet Revolution” happened and communism was defeated, it plunged our country into a 23-year-long dark period, the consequences of which are still felt even today on the country's economy and development.
In light of today’s events when Russia agressively invaded Ukraine and declared a democratic western world as enemy, we can’t forget what happended in also our’s - not so far history! we cannot forget the evil of authoritarian regimes and prevent history from repeating itself!12
August 16, 2022Citiezns of Zvolen demonstrating against occupation while tanks come to central SNP square in front of the Hotel Poľana, 21.8.1968
Source and copyright : Ústav pamäti národa / Nation's Memory Institute of Slovak Republic13
August 16, 2022Students crowd demonstrating against invasion of “brother nations” on SNP square in Zvolen, 21.8.1968
Source and copyright : Ústav pamäti národa / Nation's Memory Institute of Slovak Republic14
August 16, 2022Occupation soldiers arguing with citizens on SNP square in Zvolen.
Source and copyright : Ústav pamäti národa / Nation's Memory Institute of Slovak Republic
August 16, 2022On august 26th 1968 in Zvolen, the 38 years old man Jozef Levák has stood up in front of tank in an effort to show ressistance against invasion. Commander of the tank ordered driver to advance anyway and the tank crushed Jozef in front of eyes of another civilians. He was one of 19 killed Slovak civilians in first day of occupation, another ones were executed, shot or also killed by tank collision.
Source and copyright : Ústav pamäti národa / Nation's Memory Institute of Slovak Republic16
August 16, 2022People turned navigation road signs in Zvolen in an effort to confuse occupants and get them strayed, to slow down their advance up to city of Banská Bystrica - the biggest city of central Slovakia.
Zvolen’s Castle near SNP square in the back.
Source and copyright : Ústav pamäti národa / Nation's Memory Institute of Slovak Republic
5 3 August 2022, 04:51

Great build and right intension! Stand united against ZZ-force!
Nice build so far. I would say the track between idle and first wheel shall be sink not that straight. Your prototype shows this feature clearly.
16 August 2022, 07:09
Album info
T-62 Mod.1962, Trumpeter 1:35 no.00376