Rusted Plate - Paint Experiment

Cheers Ard...Opted to do something a little different at the bench tonight... Lol
Album info
Rusted plate technique... Learning along the way...
Vajello Model Air Paint...
1. 71.056 Panzer Dk Grey
2. 71.008 RLM66 Hellblau, Panzer Dk Grey and White in 9:1:3
3. 71.080 Rust
4. 71.129 Light Rust
5. 71.130 Orange Rust
1. Dark grey base coat...
2. Satin varnish over...
3. 2 x AK heavy Chipping - Hi pressure very little flow for small speckling with good coverage.
4. Light blue grey over - Light is good
5. Chip - Patchy and heavy scars
6. Satin varnish over...
7. 2 x AK heavy Chipping - Hi pressure very little flow for small speckling with good coverage...
8. Darkest Rust - Build up in light layers - Transparency is good
9. Chip... Heavy and patchy
10. Satin varnish over...
11. 2 x AK heavy Chipping - Hi pressure very little flow for small speckling with good coverage...
12. Light Rust - Build up in light layers - Transparency is good
13. Chip... Heavy with a focus on exposed faces
14. Satin varnish over...
15. 2 x AK heavy Chipping - Hi pressure very little flow for small speckling with good coverage
16. Orange Rust - Build up in light layers - Transparency is good - Focus and localised to most exposed areas - Don't fully cover...
17. Chip... Small and tight to areas and patchy
18. Satin varnish over...
19. 2 x AK heavy Chipping - Hi pressure very little flow for small speckling with good coverage
20... Tank colour... Transparency is essential and adds to fading and age...