#MdT Naval Full Metal Modelling
Photo 1 of 16
20 28 June 2023, 08:51

Looks good. But don´t tell you used no plastic materiel here ..............
28 June 2023, 09:22

Francisco, this platform started out as a forum for plastic modellers. - Your build is top, as Spanjaard said. Wip pictures would be nice. 🙂
28 June 2023, 19:56

Neuling, I have uploaded some photos of the process of creating the base from a block of foam, das paste, aluminum foil, acrylic paints, gel, kristal klear and ultra-gloss varnish.
You can see the process that I have followed in a series of videos where Luis Albendín explains the step by step. This is the first in the series.
Youtube Video

28 June 2023, 23:14

Gracias Spanjaard, el merito es todo del profesor. Puedes ver los vídeos que preparó para el curso en el canal de Youtube de Full Metal Modelling
28 June 2023, 23:23

Thanks a lot Francisco, for the interesting videos, for showing your formidable work and for the kind likes!
29 June 2023, 08:36
Album info
Este es un proyecto salido de la mesa de trabajo organizada por Full Metal Modelling e impartida por Luis Albendín.
Se trata de una escena naval donde se representa al submarino alemán tipo IX U-124 navegando en aguas del Atlántico.