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Maciej T (voyager85)

Il-28 Beagle


34 28 June 2023, 15:43
Mr James
Nice work
 28 June 2023, 16:55
Michael Kohl
Very nice beagle.
 28 June 2023, 16:58
Robert Podkoński
Good job! (How was the kit? Any problems, hints, suggestions? - I have been thinking about building the same kit, but early Trumpeter kits featured some issues... )
 28 June 2023, 17:17
 28 June 2023, 18:23
Maciej Bellos
Looks good!
 28 June 2023, 20:20
Gustavo Sarmento
Spectacular! Have an identical one on my stash waiting for its turn, and I plan to make a Poland version as well. Your build will be my reference for sure.
 28 June 2023, 21:19
Ben M
Nice beagle!
 28 June 2023, 21:51
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
 29 June 2023, 01:34
Maciej T Autor
I must honestly admit that the kit was horrible to make and I cannot recommend it. However, it is the only Beagle avaliable as far as I know...

 29 June 2023, 09:40
Ben M
I built the 1:100 tamiya beagle, and it too is pretty bad.
 29 June 2023, 11:20
Robert Podkoński
Thanks for the reply, Maciej, much appreciated 😉
 29 June 2023, 19:39

Project info

7 imagens
1:72 Ilyushin Il-28 Beagle (Trumpeter 01604)
Ilyushin Il-28 Beagle
PL Wojska Lotnicze (Polish Air Force 1962-1990)
52 Red

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