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Harald Besold (Rubikon22)

Álbuns (12)

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Álbuns de projetos mais recentes

4 imagens
MiG-15bisView album, image #1
The painted insides of the MIG-15.
Projeto: MiG-15bis
1:72 MiG-15bis (Eduard 7059)
29 imagens
Dassault Mirage IIICView album, image #14
1:72 Mirage IIIC (Special Hobby SH72476)1:72 Mirage III / Mirage 5 - Pitot Tube (Master AM-72-022)1:72 Mirage IIIC (Special Mask M72041)2+
16 imagens
German Submarine Typ VIIc View album, image #1
My first 1:350 scale model is finished.
Projeto: Type VII C
1:350 Type VII C (Revell 05093)1:350 U-Boat VIIC (Eduard 17024)
18 imagens
Bell X-1View album, image #1
The Bell X-1 in the livery of October 14, 1947, the day Charles “Chuck” Yeager broke the sound barrier (the first time i...
Projeto: Bell X-1
1:72 Bell X-1 (Tamiya 60740)1:72 Bell X-1 Canopy Masks (Kit Masx 72-100V)
29 imagens
DHC-6 Twin OtterView album, image #1
The plane against a natural background.
1:72 DHC-6 Twin Otter (Revell 04901)1:72 De Havilland DHC-6 Twin Otter (KV Models 72933)
37 imagens
Lockheed F-117A Nighthawk (1:72 Hasegawa)View album, image #24
1:72 F-117A Nighthawk (Hasegawa 00531)1:72 F-117 (Eduard CX108)
28 imagens
FM-2 WildcatView album, image #1
1:72 FM-2 Wildcat (Arma Hobby 70031)

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