Horten Ho 229 Zoukei Mura
No real What If... but a great plane
- Escala:
- 1:48
- Status:
- Em progresso
- Iniciado:
- December 20, 2019
Inventário do projeto
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38 imagens
Horten ZM 1:48
Done!! sanded with 2000 to 4000 paper. And spryed over with Gunze H102 Semi Gloss
Projeto: Horten Ho 229 Zoukei Mura
1 25 January 2020, 08:10

Inspired by andrea's build of the 1:72nd Horten . I put out my horten out of my shelf
25 January 2020, 08:28

After nearly one year of absence, i have found back to my hobby. Lets forget 2020, and focus on 21.
5 January 2021, 11:54