Álbuns (15)
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20 imagens
P-51B Mustang “Ding-Hao!” Maj. James Howard
Masked and sprayed the white.
Projeto: P-51B ”Ding-Hao!” Maj. James Howard
3 imagens
Lockheed Martin F-35A (Tamiya 1/48)
Restarting this project. A great kit, but very complex with all the parts and subassemblies that must be painted separat...
Projeto: Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II
3 imagens
M4A3E8 Sherman - winter camouflage 
My least favorite part of armor modeling…done.
Projeto: Sherman HVSS - Winter Camouflage
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18 imagens
Revell 1/48 P-51D Mustang "Big Beautiful Doll"
It also becomes obvious why the new wonderkits are better than this old 1977 mold. Nearly everything is misaligned. Here...