Álbuns (64)Mostrar todos os álbuns de projetos Procurar projetosÁlbuns de projetos mais recentes12 imagensW.I.P1:72Projeto: M142Scratchbuilt4 imagensP-40B Pearl Harbor 1:72Projeto: P-40B Pearl Harbor 25 imagensW.I.P1:72Projeto: P-40B Pearl Harbor 4 imagensMark I Male 1/721:72Projeto: Mark I Male 1/7228 imagensW.I.P1:72Projeto: Mark I Male 1/724 imagensM113 Tamiya 1/351:35Projeto: M11340 imagensW.I.P1:35Projeto: M113Show all project albums Procurar projetos Outros álbuns7 imagensCherry blossom21 imagensJapan w.i.p11 imagensGirls of War 1/35 29 imagensScene 1/35 w.i.p6 imagensDiorama: September 193910 imagensDiorama w.i.p4 imagensF4U-1D HobbyBoss 1/7212 imagensFigure w.i.p4 imagensFemale Crusader 1/357 imagensTL-800 Meng Shan 1/3534 imagensTK-800 w.i.p8 imagensSister of mercy 1/35 #26 imagensThierry Lion bust11 imagensKnight bust w.i.p4 imagensSister of mercy 1/3516 imagens? from competition in Tychy and Katowice 31 imagens19 model competition in Katowice 4 imagensSd.Kfz 234/2 Puma 1/14433 imagens34 Modeling competition in Tychy 20244 imagensGrzybowa dama Vini Brothers 7 imagensW.I.P4 imagensPunk goblin 1/24 3DPRINTTAVERN 4 imagensLittle goblin 1/48 4 imagensM1132 Stryker Engineer Squad Vehicle w/SOB Trumpeter 1/724 imagensMCV Warrior Trumpeter 1/724 imagensC'mon4 imagensKi-61 Hasegawa 1/720 imagensCherry blossomThis album does not contain any images.0 imagensCherry blossomThis album does not contain any images.