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Christian Maheu (johnybgood18)

Álbuns (31)

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Álbuns de projetos mais recentes

9 imagens
African Union T-55 AM2BView album, image #2
Projeto: T-55 AM2B
1:35 T-55 AM2B (Takom 2057)
11 imagens
M9 ACE - Work in progressView album, image #1
Projeto: Takom M9 ACE
1:35 M9 ACE (Takom 2020)
20 imagens
M48A5 - CompletedView album, image #12
1:35 M48A5 (Takom 2161)
16 imagens
M48A5 - Work in progressView album, image #1
1:35 M48A5 (Takom 2161)
7 imagens
AerosanView album, image #1
1:35 Aerosan RF-8/GAZ-98 (Trumpeter 02322)
1 imagens
MyAlbumView album, image #1
1:24 Ford Mustang GT4 (Tamiya 24354)1:24 2020 PF Racing Mustang (Indycals )
35 imagens
Ukrainian GepardView album, image #1
1:35 Gepard A1/A2 (Takom 2044X)

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Outros álbuns

8 imagens
Meng Rolls-Royce Armored Car, Pattern 1914View album, image #1
13 imagens
AMX-30B2 "Operation Daguet"View album, image #2
7 imagens
Tamiya M51 Israeli Sherman thView album, image #6
6 imagens
FineMolds Tie Ln ndView album, image #1
19 imagens
FineMolds Slave 1 - Jango Fett version ndView album, image #2
6 imagens
FineMolds Tie Interceptor ndView album, image #1
The best shot of this kit I have taken as of yet!