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Dy dzeJ
David Januska (Dy dzeJ)

Álbuns (24)

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Álbuns de projetos mais recentes

43 imagens
Wellington of 311. Squadron Bomber CommandView album, image #40
1:72 Vickers Wellington Mk.I (Xtradecal X72302)1:72 Vickers Wellington Mk.IA/C (Airfix A08019)1:72 Wellington Mk.I C - Gun Barrels (Oval) (Quickboost QB 72 124)5+
23 imagens
Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate - Ko from Arma Hobby WIPView album, image #22
1:72 Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate “Frank” (Arma Hobby 70051)1:72 Ki-84 Hayate (Eduard 73771)1:72 Ki-84 exhaust (Eduard 672297)2+
20 imagens
Fiat G.50 bisView album, image #20
1:72 Fiat G.50 bis (Fly 72039)1:72 Fiat G.50/bis Engine & Cowling set (SBS Model 72060)1:72 Fiat G.50 Freccia (Yahu Models YMA7253)
17 imagens
Messerschmitt Bf 110 G-2 from EduardView album, image #16
Projeto: Bf 110 G2
1:72 Bf 110G-2 (Eduard 7085)1:72 Bf 110G wheels (Eduard 672013)1:72 Bf 110 G-2 (Eduard 72556)3+
17 imagens
Nakajima B5N2 Kate - Pearl HarbourView album, image #14
1:72 Type 99 “Val” Dive-Bomber (Cyber Hobby 5107)1:72 D3A Val (Eduard 73448)1:72 D3A Val (Eduard CX321)3+
16 imagens
Aichi D3A Val Midway - folded wingsView album, image #15
1:72 Type 99 “Val” Dive-Bomber (Cyber Hobby 5107)1:72 D3A Val (Eduard 73448)1:72 D3A Val (Eduard CX321)3+
22 imagens
USS Lexington DauntlessView album, image #16
1:72 SBD-5 Dauntless 'USS Lexington' (Hasegawa 51331)1:72 SBD Dauntless HASEGAWA (Eduard 73697)1:72 SBD Dauntless landing flaps (Eduard 72469)3+

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13 imagens
Hawker Hurricane Mk. II by Armma HobbyView album, image #5
12 imagens
PBY 5 Catalina - AcademyView album, image #10
14 imagens
My rootsView album, image #1
Complete view of a part I've finished.
12 imagens
Completed kitsView album, image #2
Mitsubishi A6M5 Zero from Tamiya
7 imagens
Republic Thunderbolt P47-D from TamiyaView album, image #6
Final result