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Aleksandr Kharkov (LandDreadnought)

Álbuns (53)

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21 imagens
IDF Shot Kal Dalet Work In ProgressView album, image #9
1:35 IDF Sho't Kal Dalet 1982 Photo-Etched Parts (For AFV Club) (Voyager Model PE35753)1:35 Sho't Kal Dalet (AFV Club AF35277)1:35 IDF Sho't Kal taillights (For AFV AF35277) (Voyager Model BR35053)4+
9 imagens
Sherman VC Firefly Velikie LukiView album, image #9
1:35 Sherman VC (Rye Field Model RM-5038)1:35 Firefly Stowage set (Legend Productions LF1144)
15 imagens
T-100 WiPView album, image #13
1:35 T-100 Heavy Tank (Trumpeter 09590)
20 imagens
Sherman VC Firefly Velikie Luki WiPView album, image #1
1:35 Sherman VC (Rye Field Model RM-5038)1:35 Firefly Stowage set (Legend Productions LF1144)
1 imagens
KV-1 LKZ 1941View album, image #1
Projeto: KV-1 LKZ 1941
1:35 KV-1 (Trumpeter 00356)1:35 Brackets of the return rollers for KV (Trumpeter) (A-Resin 35070)1:35 Additional fuel tank for KV LKZ (A-Resin 35047)
12 imagens
T-24 Work In ProgressView album, image #11
1:35 T-24 Medium Tank (HobbyBoss 82493)1:35 T-24 correction parts (Studio Perfect Model 35035)1:35 T-24 Running Gear (Studio Perfect Model 35014)1+
9 imagens
KV-1 U-7 Preproduction CompleteView album, image #1
1:35 KV-1 (Trumpeter 01561)1:35 Tracks for KV-1, KV-2 (MasterClub MTL35027)1:35 KV-1/2 Early Drive Sprocket (Miniarm 35239)9+

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43 imagens
2023View album, image #1