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Dave Burgess (kryten2q4b)

X22 Bell-Boeing CV-22 Osprey
What-if subject

January 1, 1990
December 31, 1990
Tempo gasto:

Inventário do projeto

Kits completos
V-22 Osprey
Italeri 1:48
825 1989 Produto novo

Albúns de fotografias

8 imagens
Bell-Boeing CV-22 OspreyView album, image #1
1:48 V-22 Osprey (Italeri 825)

Parte do meu Coleções

Canadian Aircraft
Idéias 6×Concluído 47×Em espera 3×
Idéias 6×Concluído 40×Em espera 1×
Rotary Wing Aircraft
Idéias 3×Concluído 11×Em espera 1×
VTOL Aircraft
Idéias 3×Em progresso 1×Concluído 24×Em espera 1×


5 15 July 2018, 20:46
Ben Marshall
This is amazing! Just awesome!! Photography as well is super cool with the hangar backdrop. Inspiring!
 19 December 2021, 23:13
Dave Burgess Autor
Did that back in the late 1980's when Canada was looking for a replacement to our aging Labradors. I knew it would never happen (to rich for our blood), but it would have made an excellent replacement: almost twice the range @ twice the speed and a much higher lifting capacity. Background is actually Hangar #1 at CFB Comox (B.C.)where 442 SAR Sqn. resides. You can see one of the old Labradors in the background. I actually motorized it, although I haven't tested it in a while.
 20 December 2021, 16:13
Robert Podkoński
Fantastic idea and beautiful model! Congrats, Dave!
 20 December 2021, 16:47
Ben Marshall
Thanks Dave for the details, really cool. I have a CV-22 in the stash and I'm going to have to try really hard not to steal your idea for this, it looks so great in the yellow! Great job
 20 December 2021, 19:48
Dave Burgess Autor
By all means, Ben, go ahead and run with the idea. I'm always happy to see someone else's execution of the same idea. My paint scheme is totally based on the colour scheme being used at the time. I'd love to see another rendition of a CAF Osprey!
 21 December 2021, 01:30
Lochsa River
very cool....love the orange scheme
 21 December 2021, 01:43