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Saeed Ezadi (Sezadi)

Álbuns (17)

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Álbuns de projetos mais recentes

17 imagens
IIAF CH-47CView album, image #1
1:72 Chinook CH-47 (HC-1) (Italeri 064)1:72 CH-47 Chinook engine (Black Dog A72005)1:72 CH-47C "Chinook" In Iranian Service (Modeller 7203)1+
10 imagens
Iran F-5F TFB.4 2009, 1/72 ItaleriView album, image #8
1:72 F-5F Tiger II (Italeri 1382)1:72 Northrop F-5 "Tiger II" (Print Scale 72-229)
17 imagens
Iran Agusta Bell 206 HelicopterView album, image #9
1:72 Bell 206 JetRanger (Italeri 1372)1:72 AB-206 "Jet Ranger" In Iranian Service (Modeller 7202)
16 imagens
IRIAA AB 206View album, image #16
And thats the result. Pretty happy about it. Little lovely bird You can see more photos of completed kit in another albu...
1:72 Bell 206 JetRanger (Italeri 1372)1:72 AB-206 "Jet Ranger" In Iranian Service (Modeller 7202)
29 imagens
A-10 Italeri and AcademyView album, image #1
1:72 A-10A/C Thunderbolt II (Italeri 1376)1:72 USAF A-10A (Academy 12453)1:72 A-10 electronics (Black Dog A72083)4+
45 imagens
IIAF RT-33View album, image #35
Ok almost done.Gloss coat after decals fixed silver shinig of decals. Happy regard the result. Spent too much time on t...
Projeto: IIAF RT-33
1:72 Lockheed RT-33A Shooting Star (Sword SW72113)1:72 Imperial Iranian Air Force T-33/RT-33 (Modeller 7220)
6 imagens
F-14 Iran Airforce 3-6078View album, image #1

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8 imagens
Academy F-104View album, image #1