Álbuns (62)
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12 imagens
MiG-21PFM (94A)
Cockpit (almost) completed - waiting for seat :)
Projeto: Mig-21PFM (94A)
33 imagens
Wasp from HMS Herald - FINISHED
XT794 on "deck" of HMS Herald
Projeto: Westland Wasp HAS.1
25 imagens
PZL W-3RM Anakonda - prototype (WiP)
Inflatable floats mounted (grrr.... 3-4 pieces each! what for?!)
Projeto: W-3RM Anakonda - prototype
18 imagens
MiG-21PF (76)
Sorry, but I have to remove 2K gloss varnish and paint model again or... find a new kit. The varnish layers are unaccept...
Projeto: MiG-21PF (76)
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