Álbuns (5)Álbuns de projetos mais recentes45 imagensT-60 with additional armor, factory 264 spring 19421:35Projeto: T-60 with additional armor, spring 1942 factory 2642+5 imagensPrototype of model1:35Projeto: T-34(March 1942 UVZ production)7+16 imagensIn progress1:35Projeto: T-34(March 1942 UVZ production)7+17 imagensBA-64 early(april 1942) pruduction1:35Captured BA-64-125. Eastern front, winter 1942-1943Projeto: BA-64 early(april 1942) pruduction7 imagensT-60, factory 264 last production summer 19421:35Projeto: T-60, factory 264 last production summer 19421+