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Stuart Massey (StuMassey)

Álbuns (51)

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4 imagens
2. Waffen SS Panzer Divison Das ReichView album, image #2
SdKfz 222 Light Armored Car, Soviet Union, July 1941.
7 imagens
9th Armored Brigade, Royal Tank Corps WWII.View album, image #1
Medium Tank M3 Grant Mk I, "Chicago", 3rd Squadron, Warwickshire Yeomanry. The Grant was essentially the US M3 Lee Mediu...
1:35 Sherman Mk.III (Dragon 6313)1:35 Sherman II (ASUKA Model 35-014)1:35 M3 Grant (Airfix A1370)1+
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4. Panzer Division (Wehrmacht)View album, image #1
PzKw IV AusF H, late 1943, Soviet Union. Tamiya Kit
1:35 Panzer I Ausf. B & Motorcycle (Academy 13556)1:35 Tauchpanzer III Ausf. H (Dragon 6775)1:35 Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf. H / Sd.Kfz. 161/1 (Tamiya 35209)3+
12 imagens
2. Panzer Division (Vermacht)View album, image #1
PzKw I AusF B, Poland, September 1940. (Takom kit) Camouflage is the standard (1937-1940) dark gray with disruptive p...
1:35 Pz.Kpfw.I Ausf.A & Pz.Kpfw.I Ausf.B (Takom 2145)1:35 Panther Ausf. A (Italeri 270)1:35 Panzerkampfwagen II Ausf. A/B/C (Sd.Kfz.121) (Tamiya 35292)5+
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32nd Army Tank Brigade - Royal Armored Corps.View album, image #1
Valentine Mk II, 4th RTR, Battle of Gazala, May 1942 (Tamiya Kit, Echelon decals). After Crusader, 4th Royal Tank Regime...
1:35 Valentine Mk.II/IV (Tamiya 35352)
12 imagens
1st Army Tank Brigade: Royal Tank Corps WWIIView album, image #4
A12 Mk II Matilda, 42nd RTR, Operation Crusader December 1941 (Tamiya Kit with caunter camo) The 1st Arny Tank Brigade...
1:35 Valentine Mk.II (AFV Club AF35185)1:35 Matilda Mk.III/IV (Tamiya 35300)1:35 Grant CDL Conversion (Verlinden Productions 728)2+
22 imagens
1. Panzer Division (Vermacht)View album, image #5
PzKw I AusF A, 1. Panzer Regiment, Poland, 1939. With total production reaching 1,190 in 1935, this diminutive, little ...
1:35 Sd.Kfz. 251/1 Ausf.A (ICM 35101)1:35 Panzerkampfwagen II Ausf. C (Tamiya 35299)1:35 Pz. Kpfw. III Ausf. B (MiniArt 35221)8+
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1. Waffen SS Panzer Division Liebstandart Adolph Hitler (LAH)View album, image #4
PanzerKampfwagen IV AusF G (late production), 1st SS Panzer Regiment, Kursk Salient, July 1943. In preparation for Oper...
1:35 Panzer IV Ausf. G (Zvezda 3674)1:35 Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf. J / Sd.Kfz. 161/2 (Tamiya 35181)1:35 Panzerkampfwagen II Ausf. F/G (Tamiya 35009)2+
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3rd Armored Brigade - Royal Armored Corps.View album, image #2
A13 Mk I Cruiser tank, B Squadron, 3rd Royal Tank Regiment, 3rd Armored Brigade, 1st Armored Division, British Expeditio...
1:35 Carro Armato M13/40 (Tamiya 35296)1:35 Marmon-Herrington Mk.II (IBG Models 35022)1:35 A13 Mk.I/Cruiser Tank Mk.III (Bronco CB35025)1+
5 imagens
501. sPzAbtView album, image #1
PzKw VI Tiger I early production, Tunisia, January 1943. Camouflage is RAL 8000 sand brown (the 1941 DAK color). The 5...
1:35 Tiger I Initial Production (Tamiya 35227)1:35 Tiger II (HobbyBoss 84531)1:35 Panzerkampfwagen III Ausf. N (Tamiya 35290)2+
0 imagens
6th Guards Tank Brigade

This album does not contain any images.

1:35 Churchill Mk VI (AFV Club AF35S52)1:35 Churchill Mk V (AFV Club AF35155)1:35 Churchill Mk.VII (Tamiya 35210)
3 imagens
31st Army Tank Brigade.View album, image #3
Churchill MK VII Crocodile (flame thrower tank), Holland, September 1944. 141st Regiment RAC.
1:35 Churchill Crocodile (Tamiya 35100)1:35 Churchill Mk.VII (Tamiya 35210)
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5th Armored Brigade/ Guards Armored DivisionView album, image #1
Sherman V, 2nd Battalion, Irish Guards Regiment, Guards Armored Division, Normandy, August 1944. Prior to the invasion ...
1:35 Sherman VC FIREFLY (ASUKA Model 35-009)1:35 Staghound Mk.I (Italeri 6459)1:35 M4A4 (Dragon 6405)5+
11 imagens
6th Armored Division, Royal Tank CorpsView album, image #3
A15 Mk III, Cruiser Tank Crusader (Tamiya Kit) of the 17th/21st Lancer RTR, January 1943. Camo is SCC3 Green (Khaki). ...
1:35 M10 (Tamiya 35350)1:35 Valentine V (MiniArt 35106)1:35 Crusader Mk.III (Tamiya 37025)4+
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7th Armored Brigade, Royal Tank Corps WWII.View album, image #2
Sherman IIA, 2nd Royal Tank Regiment, Gothic Line, Northern Italy, December 1944. The Sherman IIA (M4A1 w/ 76mm gun) wa...
1:35 M4A1 Sherman with US Infantry (Italeri 6568)1:35 Sherman V (M4A4) (Tasca 35-016)1:35 A13 Mk.II Cruiser Tank Mk.IVA (Bronco CB35029)
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29th Armoured BrigadeView album, image #3
Cruiser Tank A34, Comet, 3rd Royal Tank Regiment, Germany, April 1945. The Comet was the first British tank to properly...
1:35 Cromwell Mk.IV (Airfix A1373)1:35 A34 Comet (Tamiya 35380)1:35 Humber Mk.I Scout Car (Bronco CB35009SP)6+
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33rd Armored BrigadeView album, image #1
M3A1 Light tank, 144th Regiment Royal Armored Corps, Normandy, France, July 1944. Regimental recce troop tank attached ...
1:35 M3A1 Stuart Light Tank (Academy 13269)1:35 M4 Sherman Late "FAY" (ASUKA Model 35-032)
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22nd Armored Brigade, Royal Tank Corps WWII.View album, image #8
A27M Mk IV, 5th RTR, Holland, September 1944. The A27 Cromwell was the successor to the Crusader tank of 1941. Develo...
1:35 Staghound Mk.I (Italeri 6459)1:35 Cromwell Mk.IV (Tamiya 35221)1:35 Crusader II (Italeri 6579)7+
8 imagens
7th Armored Division, Royal Tank CorpsView album, image #2
A13 Cruiser Tank MK IV, Libya, December 1941, 7th Armored Brigade, Operation Crusader. The A13 was the first Cruiser ta...
1:35 25Pdr.Field Gun & Quad Gun Tractor Canadian Ford F.G.T (Tamiya MM144)1:35 Grant Mk. II (MiniArt 35282)1:35 Cromwell Mk.IV (Tamiya 35221)2+
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A27 Cromwell MkVIIView album, image #9
1:35 Cromwell Armour/bin/cupola set (Accurate Armour C047)1:35 Cromwell Mk.IV (Tamiya 35221)
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23rd Army tank BrigadeView album, image #2
Valentine Mk II, Infantry tank, 40th RTR, July 1942, El Alamein Line. The tanks arrived at Suez in a desert camouflage ...
1:35 Bishop Mk.I (Maquette 3551)1:35 Matilda Mk.III/IV (Tamiya 35355)1:35 Sherman III (ASUKA Model 35-018)4+
34 imagens
Over the RhineView album, image #21
T17E1 (Staghound) Mk III, Armored Car in Canadian Service, Germany, April 1945. Last version of the Staghound employed ...
1:35 ISU-152 (Italeri 296)1:35 M26 Pershing (Tamiya 35254)1:35 M4A2 Sherman (Academy 13010)15+
27 imagens
Eastern Front 1943-45View album, image #24
T34 Model 1943 with stamped turret (alternate to cast turret) produced at Uralmash Factory from September 1942 to August...
1:35 Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf. H / Sd.Kfz. 161/1 (Tamiya 35209)1:35 T-34/76 (Academy 13505)1:35 JS-1 (Trumpeter 05587)12+
5 imagens
British 8th Armored BrigadeView album, image #2
M3A3 Light Tank "Stuart Mk V", Sherwood Rangers recce troop, Normandy, June 1944
1:35 M3 Grant (Takom 2086)1:35 M4A2 Sherman Direct Vision with Early VVSS (ASUKA Model AS-002)1:35 Crusader III AA Mk.I (Italeri 6465)7+
26 imagens
NormandieView album, image #25
M4 105mm howitzer assault gun. Late production M4's (new hull, large hatch) were built as 105mm assault guns to provide...
1:35 M4A2 Sherman Direct Vision with Early VVSS (ASUKA Model AS-002)1:35 Sherman V (ASUKA Model 35-016)1:35 IC Firefly (ASUKA Model 35-028)45+
15 imagens
Torch/TunisiaView album, image #10
M4, F company, 1st Armored Division, Kasserine Pass, February, 1943. Kit bashed Dragon M4A1 lower hull, turret and Lege...
1:35 M3 Lee (Takom 2089)1:35 M4A1 DV (Dragon 6404)1:35 Marder III (Italeri 210)6+
3 imagens
MyAlbumView album, image #1
1:35 Panzer II Ausf. F (Academy 13535)1:35 German Panzer III Ausf. J (Tp) (Academy 13531)1:35 Panzerkampfwagen III Ausf. L (Tamiya 35215)3+
21 imagens
Axis Armored Vehicles in North Africa 1941-1943View album, image #10
Italian M40 Semovente 75/18 SP Howitzer, Ariete Armored Division, Bir Hakim (Gazala Line), Libya, May 1942. Impressed b...
Projeto: DAK
1:35 Carro Armato L6/40 (Italeri 6553)1:35 15cm sFH 13/1 (Sf) auf GW Lr.S. (f) (RPM 35051)1:35 Panzerkampfwagen II Ausf. F/G (Tamiya 35009)15+
34 imagens
Pacific Theater of Operations View album, image #5
Soviet T26 light tank in Chinese service. Some 80 of these light tanks were purchased by Nationalist China from the USS...
1:35 Matilda Mk.III/IV (Tamiya 35355)1:35 Centurion Mk.III (Tamiya 25412)1:35 LVT-2 Amtrac (Italeri 6462)25+
11 imagens
Stemming the tide.View album, image #10
BT-7 Light tank in pre-WWII protective green. Tamiya kit
1:35 KV-II GIGANT (Tamiya MM163)1:35 KV-1B (Tamiya 35142)1:35 BT-5 (Zvezda 3507)16+
3 imagens
Winter War 1939-40 FinlandView album, image #3
BA-10A: Soviet heavy armored car, Finland, Winter 1939/40.
1:35 SMK (Takom 2112)1:35 T-28 (ICM 35031)1:35 BA-10 (Zvezda 3617)
1 imagens
Finnish Armor in WWII (The Continuation War)View album, image #1
Vickers 6 ton tank with Soviet 45mm gun. Karilean Ithmus, 1942. Prior to WWII, the Finns purchased the Vickers 6 ton t...
1:35 Sturmgeschütz III Ausf.G (Tamiya 35310)1:35 BT-42 (Tamiya 35318)
39 imagens
Italy 1943-45View album, image #32
M4 75mm Medium Tank, mid production, US Army 756th Tank Battalion, C Company, January 1944, Gustav Line, Rapido River, I...
1:35 M10 (Tamiya 35350)1:35 P40 (Tamiya 89792)1:35 Bishop Mk.I (Maquette 3551)18+
5 imagens
British and Commonwealth Recce Armored VehiclesView album, image #1
1:35 R-R Armored Car (Meng Model VS-010)1:35 A17 Vickers Tetrarch Mk.I / MkICS Light Tank (Bronco CB35210)1:35 AEC Mk.II Armoured Car (MiniArt 35155)11+
10 imagens
1939/40 BlitzkriegView album, image #10
Neubau-Fahrzeug, Norway, April 1940. Dragon 6690 kit.
Projeto: Blitzkrieg!
1:35 Panzer Kpfw IB (Testors/Italeri 804)1:35 Pz.Kpfw. / Pz.BfWg 38(t) Ausf. B (HobbyBoss 80138)1:35 Pz. Kpfw. III Ausf. B (MiniArt 35221)27+
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USN/USMC Fighter Aircraft of WWIIView album, image #1
1:48 Brewster B-339 Buffalo "Pacific Theater" (Tamiya 61094)1:48 Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat (Tamiya 61034)
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KurskView album, image #7
PZKW II Ausf J, 12th Panzer Division. Heavy Reccon Tank.
1:35 Tiger I (Tamiya 35216)1:35 KV-14 (SU-152) (Eastern Express 35103)1:35 T-34/76 (model 1943) (Revell 03244)7+
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North Africa 1941View album, image #1
A12 Infantry Tank, Matilda, Operation Compass January 1941. Early success in Operation Compass was due to the use of the...
Projeto: DAK
1:35 Carro Armato L6/40 (Italeri 6553)1:35 15cm sFH 13/1 (Sf) auf GW Lr.S. (f) (RPM 35051)1:35 Panzerkampfwagen II Ausf. F/G (Tamiya 35009)15+
0 imagens
2nd Armored Field Artillery Regiment

This album does not contain any images.

1:35 Howitzer Motor Carriage M8 (Tamiya 35312)1:35 Mark IV "Male" (Takom 2008)1:35 M36/M36B2 US Army (Academy 13501)12+
19 imagens
Axis Armor: Operation BarbarosaView album, image #2
PzKw 38t Light Tank, 19th Panzer Div. Soviet Union 1941. Tamiya Kit
1:35 'Operation Nordwind' The Ardennes 1944-45 (Star Decals 35-982)1:35 King Tiger (Academy 13229)1:35 Panther Type G Late Version (Tamiya 35176)13+
18 imagens
66th TANK REGIMENT "HELL ON WHEELS"View album, image #5
M4A1 early production "Hannibal", H Company, Sicily, July 1943. Asuka Kit, Star Decals.
1:35 Howitzer Motor Carriage M8 (Tamiya 35312)1:35 Mark IV "Male" (Takom 2008)1:35 M36/M36B2 US Army (Academy 13501)12+
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Aussie MatildaView album, image #1
1:35 Matilda Mk.III/IV (Tamiya 35300)1:35 Matilda Mk.III/IV (Tamiya 35355)
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Battle of the BulgeView album, image #2
M4A3 105mm, 2nd AD
1:35 'Operation Nordwind' The Ardennes 1944-45 (Star Decals 35-982)1:35 King Tiger (Academy 13229)1:35 Panther Type G Late Version (Tamiya 35176)13+
3 imagens
Crusader AA Mk IIIView album, image #1
1:35 CRUSADER 20mm TWIN AA Mk-III TURRET & PARTS (Accurate Armour C043)1:35 Crusader Mk.III (Tamiya 37025)
59 imagens
Various buildsView album, image #1
1:35 'Operation Nordwind' The Ardennes 1944-45 (Star Decals 35-982)1:35 King Tiger (Academy 13229)1:35 Panther Type G Late Version (Tamiya 35176)13+
4 imagens
195th AAA Battalion.View album, image #1
M16 MGMC, quad 50 Cal.. Normandy Jun 1944. Tamiya Kit. no reference found for markings. Those on the model are assum...
1:35 Howitzer Motor Carriage M8 (Tamiya 35312)1:35 Mark IV "Male" (Takom 2008)1:35 M36/M36B2 US Army (Academy 13501)12+

Outros álbuns

14 imagens
WWII Soviet ArmorView album, image #1
Soviet T-28, 10th Heavy Tank Brigade, Lvov, Poland, September 1939. Zvezda Kit done with B/W pre-shading and Ammo-Mig 0...
2 imagens
Viet NamView album, image #1
ancient tamiya kit, star decals
5 imagens
Pre WWII View album, image #1
Ko-Ga 1933, China. Japan purchased several FT-17 tanks from France in 1922. Many remained in service in the 1940's.
5 imagens
Middle East Wars Post WWIIView album, image #2
T-72 M1 Iraqi Army 1991 Tamiya Kit
4 imagens
North Africa 1942View album, image #1
A15 Crusader Mk II Cruiser Tank. El Alamein, October 1942