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Christopher J (Ranger_Chris61)

Álbuns (74)

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Álbuns de projetos mais recentes

34 imagens
Blenheim WIPView album, image #1
So been a while as the move has ended up taking a lot longer then I ever thought it would, one of the down sides of movi...
Projeto: Blenheim IV
1:72 Bristol Blenheim IV (Airfix 02027-1)1:72 Blenheim I/IV - Undercarriage Covers (Quickboost QB 72 501)1:72 British Mk 2 Browning .303 caliber (7.7mm) with flash hider (Master AM-72-031)
8 imagens
CV-340 Hawaiian AirlinesView album, image #1
1:144 Convair CV-340 (Roden 334)
1 imagens
Char's Metalic Z'GokView album, image #1
1:100 MSM-07S Z'Gok (Bandai 0122718)
10 imagens
Me262 HGIIIView album, image #1
Projeto: Me262 HGIII
1:48 Me262 HG III (Amusing Hobby 48A003)
22 imagens
Me 262 HGIII WIPView album, image #1
Decided to start a new project as a quicky to have for the IPMS San Diego contest in June. Picked this up last year and ...
Projeto: Me262 HGIII
1:48 Me262 HG III (Amusing Hobby 48A003)
29 imagens
GyantaurusView album, image #1
Projeto: Gyantauress
1:144 Gundam Barbataurus (Bandai Spirits 5062025)1:144 Hyper Gyanko (Bandai 0219548)No SIS-G00 Rishetta [Color A] (Bandai Spirits 5061791)1+
90 imagens
Gyantaurus WIPView album, image #1
Ok so this will be the next medium size project and will also be my first kit bash. Depending on how this project goes I...
Projeto: Gyantauress
1:144 Gundam Barbataurus (Bandai Spirits 5062025)1:144 Hyper Gyanko (Bandai 0219548)No SIS-G00 Rishetta [Color A] (Bandai Spirits 5061791)1+

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Outros álbuns

73 imagens
SCGMC 2024View album, image #1
150 imagens
Orangecon 2024View album, image #1
257 imagens
IPMS San Diego 2024View album, image #1
61 imagens
Modelfest 2024View album, image #1
66 imagens
SCGMC 2023View album, image #1
204 imagens
Modelpalooza 2023View album, image #1
104 imagens
IPMS Orange County "Orangecon" 2023View album, image #1
370 imagens
IPMS San Diego 2023View album, image #1
41 imagens
SCGMC 2022View album, image #1
107 imagens
IPMS Orange County "Orangecon" 2022View album, image #1
12 imagens
Space YukiView album, image #1
308 imagens
IPMS San Diego 2022View album, image #1
46 imagens
SCGMC 2021View album, image #1
76 imagens
IPMSOC Orangecon 2021View album, image #1
215 imagens
IPMS San Diego 2021View album, image #1
36 imagens
Spruefest 2020View album, image #1
28 imagens
Wonderfest 2018View album, image #1
23 imagens
Spruefest 2019View album, image #1
69 imagens
IPMS San Diego 2018View album, image #1
1 imagens
M4View album, image #1
6 imagens
Launcher Strike GundamView album, image #3
3 imagens
Strike GundamView album, image #1
8 imagens
Strike Rouge GundamView album, image #1
8 imagens
Sword Strike GundamView album, image #1
9 imagens
Aile Strike GundamView album, image #2
5 imagens
Buster GundamView album, image #1
9 imagens
Duel Gundam Assult ShroudView album, image #1
12 imagens
Infinate Justice GundamView album, image #1
6 imagens
Aegis GundamView album, image #3
0 imagens
Modelpalooza 2024

This album does not contain any images.