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Jorge Avila (art2noise)

Álbuns (9)

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Álbuns de projetos mais recentes

122 imagens
Triple Nickel VX-9 Growler in progress View album, image #104
Yellow tones were added for the heavily stained aft fuselage section below the main landing gear.
1:32 EA-18G Growler (Trumpeter 03206)1:32 E/A-18G Growler Update Set (Flight Line Resin FLR580)1:32 F/A-18E Super Hornet - Correct Control Lever (Quickboost QB 32 104)15+
41 imagens
B-1B B0ne completionView album, image #1
1:48 Rockwell B-1B Bomber (Revell 4725)1:48 B-1B Lancer - Engine Intake Set (Barracuda Studios BR48235)1:48 B-1B exterior (Eduard 48857)12+
79 imagens
YF-12A ProgressView album, image #71
1:48 YF-12A Interceptor (Testors 588)1:48 SR-71 Blackbird (Metallic Details MD4816)
29 imagens
Satellite Deterrent Eagle ProgressView album, image #2
Clear sprue-goo has been used on the wing roots here. A coat of primer will reveal if any additional putty and sanding i...
1:48 F-15A Eagle /ASAT Missile (Hasegawa CH11)1:48 F-15C Eagle Exhaust Nozzles Late Version (Aires 4336)1:48 F-15C Eagle Interior (Eduard 49274)1+
4 imagens
The Cat on the CatView album, image #1
Projeto: The Cat
1:48 Grumman F-14A Tomcat (Late Model) (Tamiya 61122)1:48 F-14A Tomcat interior 3D decals (Quinta Studio QD 48048)1:48 U.S. Carrier Deck (Ammo by Mig Jimenez A.MIG-8507)
32 imagens
EdViperView album, image #32
Projeto: Edwards Viper
1:48 F-16C/N "Aggressor/Adversary" (Tamiya 61106)1:48 F-16 Press to Test Anniversary (TwoBobs Aviation Graphics 48-281)1:48 F-16C Fighting Falcon - Ejection seat w/ Safety Belts (Quickboost QB 48 002)4+
3 imagens
F-16 Cockpit BuildView album, image #1
Projeto: F-16 Cockpit
1:12 F-16 Cockpit (ESCI 601)

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