Álbuns (27)
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7 imagens
Mi-24 Czech Air Force
The Hind has a noticeable twist in the forward fuselage that is not present in the kit.
So I cut the two fuselage halve...
Projeto: Mi-24 Czech Air Force
18 imagens
SH-60B Armada Española, Hasegawa 1:72
The sonobuoy rack. Scratched way before I had the 3D printer.
Projeto: SH-60B Seahawk Armada Española
1 imagens
Wing external tanks are badly misshapen in the Italeri kit. Noses are too blunt and while sanding them improves them, it...
Projeto: NF-16D VISTA + F-16C
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Klemm L.25
The flying one is stuck with an acrylic rod to a wooden cap from a whiskey bottle (incidentally a bottle from an Andaluc...