MIG ProductionsInformații despre gama de culoriNume:MIG ProductionsȚară:Companie:by MIG ProductionsSmalț German Tanks Starter setMIG Productions 7412 (Sticla)Seturi de vopseaSmalțSmalț (75) MOSS GREEN WASHMIG Productions P30575 (Sticla)MattSmalțSmalț (35ml)F240 Filter - Blue for Dark GreyMIG Productions 35ml (Sticla)MattSmalțF242 Filter - Tan for Tritonal CamoMIG Productions 35ml (Sticla)MattSmalțF245 Filter - Brown for Dark GreenMIG Productions 35ml (Sticla)MattSmalțF246 Filter - Grey for Bright GreenMIG Productions 35ml (Sticla)MattSmalțF401 Filter - Ochre for Light SandMIG Productions 35ml (Sticla)MattSmalțF402 Filter - Brown for Desert YellowMIG Productions 35ml (Sticla)MattSmalțF404 Filter - Neutral Grey for WhiteMIG Productions 35ml (Sticla)MattSmalțF419 Filter - Orange for Desert CamoMIG Productions 35ml (Sticla)MattSmalțF420 Filter - Green for Khaki and Olive DrabMIG Productions35ml (Sticla)MattSmalțF426 Filter - Vivid Orange RustMIG Productions 35ml (Sticla)MattSmalțF427 Filter - Violet for German GreyMIG Productions 35ml (Sticla)MattSmalțF428 Filter - Clear Blue for MetallicsMIG Productions 35ml (Sticla)MattSmalțF429 Filter - General dustMIG Productions 35ml (Sticla)MattSmalțF430 Filter - Sun BleachMIG Productions 35ml (Sticla)MattSmalțF431 Filter - Subtle DirtMIG Productions 35ml (Sticla)MattSmalțP241 Filter - Brown for Dark YellowMIG Productions 35ml (Sticla)MattSmalțP244 Filter - Green for Light GreenMIG Productions 35ml (Sticla)MattSmalțP402 Filter - Brown For Desert YellowMIG Productions 35mlMattSmalțP405 Filter - Brown for white-green camoMIG Productions 35ml (Sticla)MattSmalțP406 Filter - Brown for white-yellow camoMIG Productions 35ml (Sticla)MattSmalțP418 Filter - Warm Grey For Panzer For Panzer GrayMIG Productions 35ml (Sticla)MattSmalțP421 Neutral Gray for Panzer GreyMIG Productions 35ml (Sticla)MattSmalțP423 Dark Green Grey MIG Productions 35ml (Sticla)MattSmalțP425 Filter - Green for Allied TanksMIG Productions 35mlMattSmalțSmalț (75ml)P220 Dark WashMIG Productions 75mlMattSmalțP221 Brown WashMIG Productions 75ml (Sticla)MattSmalțP221 Brown WashMIG Productions 75mlMattSmalțP222 Neutral washMIG Productions 75mlMattSmalțP223 Dark Grey WashMIG Productions 75ml (Sticla)MattSmalțP224 winter camouflage washMIG Productions 75mlMattSmalțP225 Wash for Wood Aging SolutionMIG Productions 75ml (Sticla)MattSmalțP239 ThinnerMIG Productions 75ml (Sticla)DiluanțiSmalțP249 Pigment FixerMIG Productions 75mlMattSmalțP279 Light Grey-Green WashMIG Productions 75ml (Sticla)MattSmalțP280 Track WashMIG Productions75ml (Sticla)MattSmalțP281 Black WashMIG Productions 75ml (Sticla)MattSmalțP282 Wash for InteriorMIG Productions75ml (Sticla)MattSmalțP284 Wash for desert sand baseMIG Productions 75ml (Sticla)SmalțP285 Brown blue Wash for Panzer greyMIG Productions 75ml (Sticla)MattSmalțP298 Accumulated Sand EffectMIG Productions 75ml (Sticla)MattSmalțP299 Accumulated Dust EffectMIG Productions 75ml (Sticla)MattSmalțP300 Earth WashMIG Productions 75mlMattSmalțP302 Deep Green WashMIG Productions 75mlMattSmalțP303 Dirty Glass WashMIG Productions 75ml (Sticla)MattSmalțP304 Mud Splash WashMIG Productions75mlMattSmalțP307 Extreme Rust WashMIG Productions 75ml (Sticla)MattSmalțP308 Light Sand WashMIG Productions 75mlMattSmalțP409 Wet EffectsMIG Productions 75ml (Sticla)LuciuSmalțP410 Oil and Grease Stain mixtureMIG Productions 75mlMattSmalțP411 Standard Rust EffectsMIG Productions75mlMattSmalțP412 Light Rust EffectsMIG Productions 75mlMattSmalțP417 Rainmarks EffectsMIG Productions 75ml (Sticla)MattSmalțP417 RainmarksMIG Productions 75ml (Sticla)MattSmalțP700 MIG Fuel StainsMIG Productions 843656492689075ml (Sticla)MattSmalțP701 Engine Grime EffectMIG Productions 75ml (Sticla)MattSmalțSmalț (125ml)P705 ThinnerMIG Productions 125ml (Sticla)DiluanțiSmalțSmalț (3x 35ml) Afrika Korps Filter SetMIG Productions P4033x 35ml (Sticla)Seturi de pigmentiSmalțAcrilAcril (35ml)P250 Absolute ChippingMIG Productions 35mlMattAcrilAcril (75ml)P032 Acrylic Resin for PigmentsMIG Productions 75mlAcrilAcril (200ml) Universal Thinner for AcrylicsMIG Productions P263200ml (Sticla)DiluanțiAcrilAcril (250ml)A.MIG-2108 Acrylic Concrete for DioramasMIG Productions250ml (Sticla)MattAcrilPigmentiPigmenti (20ml)F600 Rocket ExhaustMIG Productions 20ml (Sticla)MattPigmentiF601 Martian DustMIG Productions 20ml (Sticla)MattPigmentiF602 Lunar DustMIG Productions 20mlMattPigmentiF603 Volcanic AshMIG Productions 60320ml (Sticla)MattPigmentiF604 Zombie GreenMIG Productions 20ml (Sticla)MattPigmentiF605 Graveyard DirtMIG Productions 20ml (Sticla)MattPigmentiF606 Plasma BurnMIG Productions 20ml (Sticla)MattPigmentiF607 Mig Fantasy Metallic SilverMIG Productions 20ml (Sticla)MetalicPigmentiF610 Carbon SteelMIG Productions 20ml (Sticla)MetalicPigmentiF612 BrassMIG Productions 20ml (Sticla)MetalicPigmentiF613 CopperMIG Productions 61320ml (Sticla)MattPigmentiP022 Ashes WhiteMIG Productions 20mlMattPigmentiP023 Black SmokeMIG Productions 20mlMattPigmentiP024 Light RustMIG Productions 20mlMattPigmentiP025 Standard RustMIG Productions 20mlMattPigmentiP026 ConcreteMIG Productions 20mlMattPigmentiP027 Light DustMIG Productions 20mlMattPigmentiP028 Europe DustMIG Productions 20mlMattPigmentiP029 Brick DustMIG Productions 20mlMattPigmentiP030 Beach SandMIG Productions 20mlMattPigmentiP031 Vietnam EarthMIG Productions 20mlMattPigmentiP033 Dark MudMIG Productions 20mlMattPigmentiP034 Russian EarthMIG Productions 20mlMattPigmentiP035 Panzer Grey (Fading)MIG Productions 20ml (Sticla)MattPigmentiP036 Allied Green (Fading)MIG Productions 20ml (Sticla)MattPigmentiP037 Gulf War SandMIG Productions 20mlMattPigmentiP038 African EarthMIG Productions 20mlMattPigmentiP039 Industrial City DirtMIG Productions 20mlMattPigmentiP040 Volcanic SandMIG Productions 20mlMattPigmentiP041 Fresh WoodMIG Productions 20mlMattPigmentiP043 Kaky Russian FadedMIG Productions 20ml (Sticla)MattPigmentiP044 Burnt Steel BlueMIG Productions 20ml (Sticla)MattPigmentiP046 Old AluminumMIG Productions20mlMattPigmentiP047 Dark GranitMIG Productions20mlMattPigmentiP054 Alcaline DustMIG Productions 20mlMattPigmentiP057 Mid Brown, Dry Lake 2MIG Productions 20ml (Sticla)MattPigmentiP058 Brown, River BankMIG Productions 20ml (Sticla)MattPigmentiP230 Old RustMIG Productions 20mlMattPigmentiP231 Gun MetalMIG Productions 20mlMetalicPigmentip232 dry mudMIG Productions 20mlMattPigmentiP234 Rubbel DustMIG Productions 20mlMattPigmentiP413 Primed RedMIG Productions 20ml (Sticla)MattPigmentiP414 Track BrownMIG Productions 20ml (Sticla)MattPigmentiP415 Light European EarthMIG Productions 20mlMattPigmentiPaint setsEnamelP265 Green colors filter setMIG Productions 3x 35ml (CUTIE)Smalț OilABT-300 502 Abteilung oil set - German armor TonesMIG Productions 6x 20ml (CUTIE)Ulei ABT-310 502 Abteilung oil set - Urban Diorama ColorsMIG Productions 6x 20ml (CUTIE)Ulei ABT-320 502 Abteilung oil set - Vehicle weathering and effectsMIG Productions 6x 20ml (CUTIE)Ulei P254 German Yellow Transformation setMIG Productions 6 Various (CUTIE)UleiP255 German Grey Transformation SetMIG Productions 6 Various (CUTIE)UleiP256 Winter Vehicles Transformation setMIG Productions 6 Various (CUTIE)UleiP257 Rust and Decay Transformation SetMIG Productions 6 Various (CUTIE)UleiP258 Red Primed Transformation setMIG Productions 6 Various (CUTIE)UleiPigmentsP233 Urban combat setMIG Productions 5x 20ml (CUTIE)PigmentiP261 German Yellow Pigment setMIG Productions 8x 20ml (CUTIE)Pigmenti