Fapte reale
Cele mai multe truse cumpărate
Some scale models are more popular than others. Below is the Top 100 of the most bought kits.

AT-ST Imperial All Terrain Scout Transport Walker
Bandai 1:48
0194869 (2260446) 2015 Instrumentul nou ![1:48 F-16C [Block 25/32] Fighting Falcon (Tamiya 61101) 61101](/products/img/9/0/5/105905-15655-78-t180.jpg)
Lockheed Martin
F-16C [Block 25/32] Fighting Falcon Air National Guard ANG Tamiya 1:48
61101 2008 Piese noi 
German 8 ton Semi Track 20mm Flakvierling 38 Sd.kfz 7/1
Tamiya 1:35
35050 (MM150) 1975 Piese noi Subiecte multiple (2)
Y-Wing Starfighter BTL-A4 Y-Wing Attack Starfighter
Bandai 1:72
0196694 (2291092) 2015 Instrumentul nou 
WWII RAF Bomber Re-Supply Set Bedford MWC/D, Standard Tilly, BSA M20 Motorcycle, DB Tractor ...
Airfix 1:72
A05330 2013 Set model Subiecte multiple (4)
German Heavy Tank Sd.Kfz.182
King Tiger (Henschel Turret) Meng Model 1:35
TS-031 2017 Instrumentul nou 
7.5cm Anti-Tank Gun (Pak40/L46) With 3 crew
Tamiya 1:35
35047 (47) 1985 Modificat ??? Subiecte multiple (2)
F-22 Raptor [U.S. Air Force Air Superiority Fighter]
Hasegawa 1:48
07245 (PT45) 2009 Instrumentul nou Mai Mult?
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act de renunțare
See the above numbers as fun facts based on our community data. The could provice wrong impressions as our plastic modeling population is not big enough to provide enough valuable data of our hobby (eg. some large websites/forums are still missing). So please see it as fun facts and not real statistics.