Bugatti 35BMonogram | No. 6768 | 1:24Produse asemanatoareDetail and Conversion setsProiectat pentru: UnknownBugatti 35 rims and tyres with small brakeRenaissance 1:24BUG35 Bugatti 35 rims and tyres with big brakeRenaissance 1:24BUG35/51 DecalsProiectat pentru: UnknownBugatti Type 35B TF'28 #58 Junek/? Le Mans Decals 1:24 2019 Bugatti Type 35A (IA 75861) Monaco GP´30 #6 Ernst Burggaller Indycals 1:24 Bugatti Type 35C Monaco GP´30 #18 Louis Chiron Indycals 1:24 Bugatti Type 35B Winner Monaco GP´30 #22 René Dreyfus Indycals 1:24 Bugatti Type 35B (6537 J4) Winner Monaco GP´29 #12 William Grover-Williams Indycals 1:24 FapteBugatti 35BMonogram 1:246768 (77001) 1991 Cutie nouă