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Subiect început de ricmac50

This model in its existing size of 1/144 is not worth the price that is being asked. The plane is excessively small and hard to handle. The paint scheme is not user friendly and very hard to follow from the stand point of the models box pictures. I bought it because of the THUNDERBIRD paint scheme but for the price of 21.00 dollars for this model, it is just not worth it. Maybe at the scale of 1/72 for the model may have been a good size for this but not 1/144. Very Poor Choice....
C-54 USAF Thunderbirds Support
Minicraft Model Kits 1:144
14568 20xx Notificări noi
17 June 2014, 00:10
It's minicrap,whoops I meant minicraft. I've had nothing but horrible experiences with their kits.
 17 June 2014, 01:01
ricmac50 Autor
Brandon, Yes, I agree. I have noticed other builders when they post their building model of the C-54 and I have to say that they are not very good and you can use GOOGLE, to see these models, (use the heading C-54 THUNDERBIRDS SUPPORT and you can see what I'm talking about). I had to manually paint the red, white, blue on the prop tips, the decals are a joke. I am taking my time with this model because I am setting up a collection of all THUNDERBIRD planes from start to present. And since no one makes a 1/72 or bigger then I'm stuck with the 1/144.
 17 June 2014, 20:39
ricmac50 Autor
I finished with the model but believe me when I say, this model is the pits when it comes to assembly and placing decals on model. I used Future on the decals to keep them from disintegrating but the future just made the decals fade and stain the decals. My paint job in general came out great, I used Rust-Oleum metallic silver and it looks great. But the paint looks substandard with the decals that came out so bad... Don't waste your money on Minicraft products and Revell of Germany, another loser of a company that makes very low quality models... Interested why I say Revell of Germany, ask me why!!!!
 30 June 2014, 22:50
Urban Gardini
You're not precisely fair here I'd say. RoG have wonderful top of the line kits in their product line as well as older reboxed ones from their back catalogue or from other brands. Just use the timelines here at Scalemates in your research and you'll find out more.
 5 September 2014, 17:33
Burkhard D
Well, a kit in 144 scale is small and hard to paint by nature, one cannot really blame the manufacturer for it.
Also one may be tempted to say 'Minicrap' in some cases, but their kits are not bad across the board and every manufacturer has some lemons in its portfolio. I have seen a number of Minicraft kits built into very nice models.
 7 September 2014, 11:58
ricmac50 Autor
I guess everyone has an opinion as to what is good and what is bad. Also, I don't have the resources to purchase say... a twenty five dollar cockpit assembly from a third party, or a complete wheel assembly made of metal, so I make do with what I have. I favor the 1/48 and occasional 1/32 scale models. And we are all entitled to our comments and what is good for the goose may not be good for the gander....But I'm optimistic, as long as you have fun building, that is all that matters to each individual. No one is blaming the manufacturer but if you like your fingers to cramp up or cross because the parts are so small, I guess to each his own. I'm 6 ft. 2 inches tall and my hands are just as big, so it is a little difficult to work with these models. I do enjoy watching videos of other modelers when they assemble these miniature planes, they do magnificent work. Almost everyone....
 8 September 2014, 00:47

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