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Subiect început de Hunter Cummins

Hunter Cummins
will attend
The Neglected Kit Resurrection Groupbuild in
The Neglected Kit Resurrection Groupbuild

1. Ianuarie 2016 pana cand 31. Decembrie 2020
25 June 2014, 20:05
Choppa Nutta
awesome another modeler with a drawer of neglected models !! 😄
will you be doing something with camouflaged wheels by any chance ? 😄
 25 June 2014, 20:38
John Van Kooten
LOL! 😛

Welcome to the party, Hunter! 👍
 25 June 2014, 20:41
Hunter Cummins Autor
Yes I will acctually lol. Its a jagdtiger porshe (just like you john😉 except mine is the one yours is based off of. Mimes the first released ome haha) thanks john 🙂 gladd to be in. Oh and I have two figure kits to do. I have improved alot and I mean alot on my figures 😄
 25 June 2014, 21:07
John Van Kooten
Aaaah! Cool! The Dragon #6051 👍

Will you be doing Zimmerit? Because all Jagdtiger Porsche production types were manufactured in the time frame where Zimmerit was factory applied. All Jagdtiger Porsches had it. But honestly, I'm not going to do it 😉 I truly detest manually adding Zimmerit. It's not even that I can't do it, I just plain don't like it 😛

By the way, I'm not sure if the problem with the instructions in your kit is the same as in mine but there were some problems with assembling the suspension! The instructions were incorrect! Now, I always document any errors I encounter so I have made you a small PDF file that contains the corrections that I made. I hope you don't need them but if you do, then here they are 😄

And I am looking forward to what you are going to do with the figure kits! 👍
 25 June 2014, 21:24
Choppa Nutta
Well I look forward to seeing what you do Hunter 🙂
Anyhow, I am chuffed that we've got 14 people on day two of this group, warms the heart 😄
 25 June 2014, 21:26
Choppa Nutta
Zimmerit ? explain please
 25 June 2014, 21:30
Hunter Cummins Autor
John. Sadly the suspension is already done but I will compare and make corrections 🙂 I am going to make mine as if it was one that sat in the back of the factory needed a few parts but at the time the factory didnt have it and it never made it to the zimmerit area. (I will ad some red oxide primer and some dark yello with a quick "octopus camo scheme) and it recieved the parts and was thrown into batfle after a quick paint job. I will call it "New Life" lol. So sounds reasonable right??
 25 June 2014, 21:34
John Van Kooten
Good thinking, Hunter! 😉 it does sound like a really cool idea! 👍

Choppa: Zimmerit is a paste, a coating if you will, that prevented attaching magnetic mines. It was applied at the factory to all sides of a particular set of vehicles, mostly medium and heavy tanks. There's some very interesting and detailed info here:
 25 June 2014, 21:46
Fabian D.
basicially a rather unless measure to prevent attacks with magnetic mines (while germanny beeing the only one deploying such mines)
Nowerdays famous for driving Modellers either mad or poor, while making AM companys rich 😉
 25 June 2014, 21:47
Choppa Nutta
Zimmerit ? explain please
I watched this vid but it explained nothing, zip, nada and I am still left wondering zimmerit actually is ?

Youtube Video
 25 June 2014, 21:48
Fabian D.
Damm... John was faster😉 guess if you read the links in the two posts before, your question should have already been answered, while you were typing...
looking forward to your build Hunter..
 25 June 2014, 21:48
John Van Kooten
Hahaha! Fabian! 👍 😉

"Nowerdays famous for driving Modellers either mad or poor, while making AM companys rich"

Ain't that the truth! 😄
 25 June 2014, 21:50
Hunter Cummins Autor
Thanks fabian. I will be on it as soon as I can get a place to work lol. As im doimg this, I will be doinga hetzer in a fall of the reich GB on you tube 🙂
 25 June 2014, 21:57
Fabian D.
I´ve done two 1:35 and one 1:72 tank with screwdriver and putty.... I´m still suffering from the long term effects 😉
Problem is I neither like the look of the PE nor stickers and as I don´t want to adapt an other set I have to do it the putty way again for my StuG... although I´ve ordered tools to assist me: [img1]Zimmerit Tool Set #2 (For 1:35 Scale) (Royal Model 058, No)


seems to be an one for all set... I´ll try and report... 😉
 25 June 2014, 22:00
Hunter Cummins Autor
Fabian, we cant see the picture🙁 is it a rolling tool for zimmerit??
 25 June 2014, 22:02
Choppa Nutta
plus, it looks shit ! but thank you guys, now I know, I've been wondering what that meant for a while now 🙂

Btw John, my eyes hurt from looking at those B&W patterns.... it is almost like Vogon poetry.....

and yeah we were all typing at the same time lol 😄
 25 June 2014, 22:02
Fabian D.
@Hunter, fixed... was a problem with the automatic displaying function....
It´s not a rolling tool, is a stamping tool, the others are rakes
you haven´t shared that Hetzer jet? or did I miss something?
 25 June 2014, 22:05
John Van Kooten
@Fabian: yeah, I really didn't like the PE sets either. They look like crap, honestly. I still have an Eduard set in my stash for a KT. The ATAK sets are quite nice though... but expensive... I don't think they are worth it.
The toolset I have is from Trumpeter (see photo). It has everything but the square zimm application tool. Not that I care 😉


@Choppa: like Vogon poetry! Hahaha! 😉
 25 June 2014, 22:17
Fabian D.
I´ve seen that too, but with a future StuG III in mind I´ve chosen the other one... no clue if it works the way I want it to...😉
 25 June 2014, 22:22
John Van Kooten
Wise decision! 👍

And of course they aren't going to work like you want or expect them to 😛 lol what ARE you thinking!? 😄 😄

No really, they work quite well actually. Just keep the tools wet (but not too wet) so they don't stick to the putty. But I think you already know that 😉 it's more a remark for the other readers that haven't used any of these tools before 👍
 25 June 2014, 22:27
Choppa Nutta
he means me don't you John 🙂
 25 June 2014, 22:46
Fabian D.
Wait... I´m out... I´m awake way too long for this... but I think i´ve written to John...😉
 25 June 2014, 23:07
Hunter Cummins Autor
Lol hey john. Are those tools still avainable??
 25 June 2014, 23:11
Leandro Krindges
No, Volgon poetry noooooo!
 25 June 2014, 23:55
Choppa Nutta
its all about the under lying metaphors 🙂
 26 June 2014, 00:28
John Van Kooten
@Choppa: yes, you! 😛 😉 but not just you 😄 haha!
@Fabian: Choppa meant to say that I was referring to him with the "it's more a remark for other readers... ... before" sentence 😉 and indeed I was 😛
@Leandro: Hahaha! Yes! YES! 😉

@Hunter: the Trumpeter tools are still widely available, so should not really be a problem to get them. They are not too expensive either. For what you get in the package, they are pretty good 👍

This is the toolset: Tools for Zimmerit Coat (Trumpeter 09916, No)

 26 June 2014, 08:51
Hunter Cummins Autor
Dthanks john, I will be on the look out for them or I just might order them lol
 26 June 2014, 13:39

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