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Downscaled original Airco DH-2 6000
This biplane pusher DH-2 won a bronze medal in the category Planes 1:48 at the Euro Model Expo 2024.
Proiect: Airco DH-2
120 16 May 2022, 07:53

Great result (as always). Looking forward to see this in real life someday. Keep on the good work 👍🏻👍🏻
16 May 2022, 08:02

That's a staggering result Frank! Some of those photos could easily be mistaken for a real aircraft, and there's no higher praise for a model that I know of. A real beauty.
16 May 2022, 13:04

That's a gorgeous build! Our local club is doing 1/48 WW1 for our yearly group build & I selected this aircraft. If mine comes out 1/1,000th as nice it'll be a miracle lol. I'm building the old Blue Max kit though…
16 May 2022, 23:52

Thank you very much mates, for these kind comments 👍
@Christoph I'll take your word for it! Ried and EME?
@Nathan Good luck with your build!
17 May 2022, 17:13

Hi Frank, Very nice set of pictures (your outdoors light photography technique really pays out), and of course, amazing masterful build... The fact that it stands its ground next to the strip-down build says a lot already !
For loss of other words of praise, I will add a few nit-picking remarks since that is all that is left : I'm not generally a big fan of weathering but you went down that path beautifully and lightly enough, but I would say that your wheels, particularly the sidewall markings, could be toned down or muddied up a bit to match the rest. And also perhaps the insignias are a little too bright too compared to the overall patina.
I'm just saying that to stand out of the crowd of course 😉 And because I know you'll enjoy the chalenge of going past the 99% near-perfect... or is it 99,9% ? Hard to say from this distance !
Thanks for the continued inspiration above all...
19 May 2022, 09:43

Thank you mates!
And Boris, thank you for your time to answer with such detailed comment 👍
I don't want this to sound like an excuse, but this is what I meant by the fact that it is difficult to take good pictures now, despite the evening sun. The contrasts are too hard, details " drown out", in shadow areas hardly anything can be recognised. This was much easier with the Camel in February! And the wheels are red, and my camera has a problem with an overemphasised red, despite white balance. The wheels were also weathered, I found it almost too much. Have a look at picture 14, it looks closer to the real model.
Thanks again, Frank
19 May 2022, 17:29

I would be happy to get a similar result in 1/32… this DH.2 is looking truly awesome.
19 May 2022, 20:16

Indeed, Frank, and even picture 4 in the shade is less contrasty. Evening light is redder, so if you camera is sensitive to red, it makes sense. Maybe full sunlight is to be avoided anyways, at least in late Spring or Summer ?
I'm not aware of what the original tyres looked like, so maybe the white of the markings is accurate and I should do my homework before commenting ! 😉
20 May 2022, 11:34

I was not patient enough to wait for a cloudy day as I wanted to present it 😉 Still learning regarding outdoor setup! At least it worked to apply flat varnish to the (bought) airfield to get rid of the glitter of the grass.
After the decals I applied some PanPastel and oils also to the rubber of the wheels, but it is not very visible on the pics.
20 May 2022, 11:50

Congratulations on another stunning gem, Bughunter! She's a delight to the eye from every angle 🙂 Inspiring skills and results for sure 🙂
20 May 2022, 12:12

A most impressive photo album of a simply splendid aircraft build!
When you finished the build photos I was thinking about being picky and commenting on the lack of fairleads to the lower wing leading edges, but I see that you added them before taking this photo set. 🙂
31 May 2022, 12:13

Thank you Capt Bellinger!
You are right regarding the fairleads. The reason was to wait with mounting them for easier metalising the wires before.
1 June 2022, 20:09

Thanks for sharing! That is like plating the Strip Down (on pic 17/18 and an own project) with paper 😉 And yes, this type has a very complex rigging.
22 June 2022, 19:23

Those photo's are.. real.
That's a piece of true craftsmanship, my compliments!
I had the Hasegawa Wright Flyer museum model kit once, but sold it again when I saw the difficult rigging and struts and tissue paper for the wings. Only for experienced modelers, like you.
22 June 2022, 22:06

Thank you Dick!
The Wright Flyer in 1:16? The Museums Series is nice. The Fokker Dr.I in 1:8 hangs on the ceiling in our living room. But with a wooden laminated airscrew, instead of the kit plastic.
I found some pictures of it and created an album 😉
23 June 2022, 16:42

Last weekend, all the effort I put into this model paid off. This little beast got a gold medal at the Austrian Model Masters 😉.
By the way, the Halberstadt got bronze in the same category.
23 October 2022, 07:52

Congrats, Bughunter! (I would be surprised if you did not get any gold medal 😉 )
23 October 2022, 09:30

Time amd again I'm amazed by the realistic look of you results and photography.
Superbly detailed and painted as usual - Masterclass !
23 October 2022, 16:56

Wow! Thank you very much! Your great feedback is highly appreciated 👍
That is the right fuel for the next projects 😉
23 October 2022, 17:59

I never tire of looking through your albums, and I'm delighted to hear of this recognition of your skillful creation. I can only echo everyone's congratulations 🙂👍
23 October 2022, 22:03

Well done indeed on winning gold and bronze medals - both very well earned!
In what category where your models?
24 October 2022, 05:16

Thank you Bruce and Capt Bellinger!
It was category F2 - Planes in 1:48. A modeler can put an unlimited number of models into the contest, but only 2 in one category.
Did I miss you there?
24 October 2022, 07:30

@bughunter, no I wasn't at the show. If I had been I'm quite sure that I would have recognised your handiwork amongst the throng. 🙂
27 October 2022, 07:15

Two in one category? And Bughunter scored Gold and Bronze? I do not know many modellers who can beat him to Silver 🙂
27 October 2022, 14:43

👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Not only is it a beautifully built model, but it is also beautifully photographed!!!
10 March 2023, 20:57

Thank you for resurfacing this one too. That is may be still my best model as nearly all steps was successful without problems. You know how you often have to take a step back to fix a problem you caused yourself, but here it all worked amazingly well.
10 March 2023, 23:11

Welcome back Greg! I haven't seen you for a long time.
Glad that you like this digged out older project, but you should not miss the newer ones!
13 March 2023, 18:11

I'm happy to announce that this biplane pusher DH-2 won a bronze medal in the Master class in the category "Planes 1:48" at the Euro Model Expo 2024 👍
Because the better is the enemy of the good, it was relegated to this rank by my Ship's Camel 🙂
26 March 2024, 17:35

I send a big congratulations on the well deserved award for your model.
27 March 2024, 11:32