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Subiect început de Czegle Zso

Zsolt Czegle
a adăugat un nou photoalbum.
53 imagini
Leopard2A7View album, image #49
1:72 Leopard 2A7+ (Vespid Models VS720015)
51 23 April 2024, 14:46
Patrick Hagelstein
Another telltale blue match…
 23 April 2024, 18:58
Robert Podkoński
Who could resist the power of blue match... 😄
 23 April 2024, 19:07
Mirko Römer
I'm on fire
 26 April 2024, 14:54
Zsolt Czegle Autor
Welcome mates on aboard!
 26 April 2024, 20:42
Shar Dipree
 27 June 2024, 19:37
Ferenc Sarka
 27 June 2024, 19:46
Taking a seat.
 2 July 2024, 19:28
I'm in
 4 July 2024, 16:53
Alec K
Same 👍
 5 July 2024, 15:42
Shar Dipree
 16 August 2024, 20:39
Zsolt Czegle Autor
Thank you mates and welcome to the aboard!
 17 August 2024, 19:40
Robert Podkoński
A little late, but from now I will surely watch this talent show!
 24 August 2024, 15:53
Zsolt Czegle Autor
There model is finished.

Towards the end I didn't feel like building it anymore. Somehow the enthusiasm ran out over time. It serms that the "forced buildng" doesn't work for me. But the model had to be ready for August 31st, our club's 30th competition. Last year, we distributed 10 identical kits to our scsle modeling friends to build for our anniversary event. That's how mine worked out.
 2 September 2024, 19:58
Robert Podkoński
Great job, Zsolt! It was worth to finish it in the end, wasn't it?
 2 September 2024, 20:03
Zsolt Czegle Autor
You have right Robert it was....
 2 September 2024, 20:05
Shar Dipree
Great result.very nice Leopard. 👍
But please don't do crafts under "force" as that will only take away the fun from the hobby.
Sometimes I lose interest in it, especially if the project takes too long. Then I'll continue building another one in the meantime. At some point the desire will come back again.
 2 September 2024, 21:38
I am new to modelling but tasks, deadlines and 'must do's' take the fun out of this fantastic hobby. It then becomes a task, it becomes work. When you make a hobby a job you lose a hobby. I enjoy every model you post here because they just look fantastic and inspire me. Besides skill, passion is a part of every model. Please don't lose this part 'man with the blue match'. 😉
 5 September 2024, 08:23
Zsolt Czegle Autor
Our model club organized its 30th model competition this year. Last year, we distributed 10 identical Vespid Leopard 2 models to friendly clubs and model makers to build and bring to our competition. I built the copy for our club. That's why I wrote that it was forced build. I wasn't completely attuned to the topic. I would rather stop than completed the model
 6 September 2024, 18:50

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