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20 imagini
unbekannte Typen der Me-262 - unknown types of the Me-262
Me-262 a-2 als Zielschlepper - Me-262 A-2 as a target tug
After the Allies' victory, several Me-262 aircraft without eng...
58 20 October 2024, 19:41

Haha, that's a comprehensive line up of this bird. Very original, funny and well done. Chapeau.
21 October 2024, 07:45

For every typ is also a back story available, which makes the whole series more interesting...
21 October 2024, 08:30

Agree with all. Excellent work! Highly creative. Each image is a testament to just what a recognisable airframe the 262 is. I'd love to see some build logs too if you have them?
21 October 2024, 11:22

I like the idea and the creativuty you had with this models!!! Also perfectly built and displayed!!! 👍
21 October 2024, 13:28

This is so cool, just awesome! 👍
And of course my favorite is the Canadian Postal Service.
What a great work.
21 October 2024, 17:03

Some strange situation here:
Wild Stuff | Album by redbaron1917 ???
21 October 2024, 20:49

Thanks to all of you....
@Robert: as for your question in regards to "a club-owned profile"...
yes and no, we are not a club, we are not organized as a club, but we are 6 individuals more or less from the same geographical region and we agree on one project per year. Every member will contribute at least one model to the project we agreed on. And then the project will be showcased at 3-5 shows in the following years. With our projects we visited so far shows in Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands and of course Switzerland.
22 October 2024, 14:51

@Michael Kohl: all backstories are now added, you have to click on the picture to get it displayed...
@Neuling: We had longer to research than to build the models. But with a lot of effort we were able to document everything and then recreate them...
22 October 2024, 15:18

Mine would have fit in nicely Completed - Bs262 | Album by Mahoo76 (1:72) 😂
23 October 2024, 06:14