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Robert Podkoński
a adăugat un nou photoalbum.
6 imagini
I hope Mr Gorby won't be dissapointed ;)View album, image #6
Current status of the model. Every joint line needs to be sanded (or puttied and sanded)... and there is a lot of them. ...
1:72 Lesher Teal (AviS BX 72038)
22 6 February, 17:30
Following 🙂
1  6 February, 18:38
Alex K
1  6 February, 18:38
Robert Podkoński Autor
Feel warmly welcomed, My Friends!
1  6 February, 18:39
Łukasz Gliński
Curious what connects that plane with Mr Gorbs 😄
 6 February, 19:26
Jan Peters
More stranger things from the Podkónski stables, I'm in 👍🏻
1  6 February, 19:27
You are not the only one, Łukasz 😄
1  6 February, 19:29
Robert Podkoński Autor
I am happy to have you all on board, Mates 🙂 @Łukasz & Cuajete - read the description of the project 😉
1  6 February, 21:02
Thomas Espe
 6 February, 21:05
Robert Podkoński Autor
Welcome, Thomas!
 6 February, 21:05
Łukasz Gliński
The airplane of the size of an earbud, interesting
 6 February, 21:10
'I'm in.
 7 February, 07:11
Wow the audience is filling out already. It'll be standing-room only soon. 🙂
 7 February, 08:48
Robert Podkoński Autor
Feel warmly welcomed, Nicolas. @gorby - it is such only because your sobriquet appears in the title, methinks 😉
3  7 February, 11:19
Noooo. I think your preference for building strange stuff is just as well known as mine. I do weird wheels, you do wacky wings. 😉
3  7 February, 11:32
Robert Podkoński Autor
Out of modesty, I won't deny it 😉
2  7 February, 14:32
John Hughes
Another of Robert's weird & wonderful selections? Count me in!
 7 February, 14:57
Robert Blaschke
I never heard about this one 🙂
 7 February, 15:28
a flying object that was completely unknown to me.
A real curiosity ends up at Robert's work table.
I'm excited to see how the construction process goes and of course to see the finished plane.
Good luck and enjoy the construction👋👍
 7 February, 16:13
Robert Podkoński Autor
Welcome, My Friends! I hope not to dissapoint you all...taking into account that Roland has put the bar very high already:
Lesher Teal | Album by Roland (1:72)
 7 February, 16:56
Moreno Baruffini
 11 February, 20:25
Michael Kohl
You really really really wanted to make sure to build something off the mainstream, wouldn't you?! 😉
That looks like fun.
 11 February, 20:37
Robert Podkoński Autor
Welcome, Moreno! Welcome, Michael! (you caught it 😉 )
1  11 February, 21:33
Jay Dubya
Eyes on too!
 11 February, 22:17
Dave Flitton
Nice start!
 11 February, 22:26
Robert Podkoński Autor
Welcome on board, Mates! 🙂
 12 February, 06:28
Mark Sherwood
Lesher Teal, hmm intriguing and interesting. 🤔 Will you be turning out button's and milk tokens too. 🤨🤣 Look forward to the rest of the build 👍🥸🤘
1  12 February, 08:51
Robert Podkoński Autor
LOL 😄 No, it is just OOB build, Mark 😉
1  12 February, 13:41
Exciting topic! Following
 12 February, 13:54
Robert Podkoński Autor
Welcome, S M - I've been waiting for you!
1  12 February, 14:58
 13 February, 15:49
Robert Podkoński Autor
Hi there, Skyhiker. Enjoy!
 13 February, 16:05
Ludvík Kružík
Late, but still. 🙂 I can't miss your building another unusual plane. 😉
 21 February, 23:00
How did I miss this one! Taking a chair👍🏻
 21 February, 23:25
Robert Podkoński Autor
Feel warmly welcomed, JJ and Ludviku! I've been waiting for each of you 🙂
 28 February, 07:04
Jennifer Franklin
Ohhh... I'm late to the party but following.
 1 March, 15:35
Robert Podkoński Autor
Welcome, Jennifer! No worries - there was a short pause in the building process due to the vacations 😉
1  1 March, 16:39
Marcin Dudek
Watching 👀
 6 March, 16:05
Robert Podkoński Autor
Enjoy, Marcin! 😉
 6 March, 16:08
Ludvík Kružík
Well, when you put those pieces of plastic together properly, it starts to look like an airplane. 😄
Looks like a challenging build. Fingers crossed it goes well.
 10 March, 22:32
Robert Podkoński Autor
Thanks for your encouragement, Ludviku! The progress is slow due to the everyday life business...
 11 March, 06:38
Bart Goesaert
That's an obscure one, and small too... nice work so far
 13 March, 04:10
Jennifer Franklin
I am also at the every joint line needs to be sanded or puttied and sanded stage. Hang in there.
 13 March, 05:47
Jan Peters
Hard graft will be rewarded Robert 🙂
 13 March, 05:52
Robert Podkoński Autor
Thanks for your encouragement, My Friends. You're very kind 🙂 - on the positive side: it is a very small model 😉
1  13 March, 06:28
Bart Goesaert
With a lot of corners... and a nmf finish...
1  13 March, 06:43
Djordje Nikolic
Now that is an interesting one
 14 March, 04:26
Robert Podkoński Autor
Cheers, Djordje!
1  14 March, 07:05

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