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Mini Hobby 1:144 Mig-25 FoX Bat
Next little project, quite a decent size for a 1:144, simulator to some 1:72 size.
The FoxBat was stainless steel outer ...
5 9 February, 19:00

Nice pick! I can't imagine they sell this kit in UK. It is one of those kits commonly seen in stores near schools in China. When I was a kid, I usually spent my pocket money of the week and enjoyed them during the weekend.
2 28 February, 01:05

Hi Tianyi 👍
We can purchase them on eBay and Alibaba, some model shops stock Minihobby models, they are a sister company to Trumpeter.
They are fun inexpensive little kits ...this is my 5th one.... they can have big gaps sometimes but l enjoy making-good
Thanks for your interest 😃👍
1 28 February, 19:32

Another interesting one. Indeed, Mig-25 or Mig-31 are so big compared with other jet fighters. Following.
1 1 March, 00:46

This looks like a hard build. I'm looking forward to see what you can do with this.
1 1 March, 20:13

Hi Lorraine 👋 it's definitely an interesting aircraft, tremendously powerful engines.
Like the Watchful cat 😺.
Hope 🦊 sill helping you build 😃👍
1 5 March, 20:37