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Subiect început de polda77

Martin Weinpold
a adăugat un nou photoalbum.
6 28 February, 15:54
Martin Weinpold Autor
The first photos of the build are here! I've added some great resin cast parts to complement the kit, bringing even more detail to the model. Everything fits perfectly, and so far, the build is going smoothly.

Follow the progress, more photos coming soon!
 28 February, 15:58
1  28 February, 16:04
Awesome, i saw the wreck of that plane in Berlin Technik Museum. Tragic Story but a awesome Design.
1  28 February, 16:06
Shar Dipree
Following! 🙂
1  28 February, 16:08
Jennifer Franklin
me too!
1  1 March, 15:33
1  1 March, 20:28

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