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Subiect început de RedRoo

Kerry COX
will attend
15 April 2016, 07:09
Holger Kranich
Ahh you got it! Welcome to the most insane and heartwarming People i know in modeling!
 15 April 2016, 07:14
Kerry COX Autor
Holger, I have just wet my pants with excitement LOL 🙂
It will take a bit of working out, but if I put my travel agent on the job, all things should work out for the best. 👍
Again, I am most honoured that I can be part of this. 🙂
Cheers. 😎
 15 April 2016, 07:22
Holger Kranich
I know that Christian Meyerhoff will surely help you. As the others too. And i´m a merchant for tourism and leisure, so i may help, too. Ist wonderful to have the opportunity to model with you!
 15 April 2016, 07:36
Kerry COX Autor
Holger, I am now going to work out just how much I need to do, especially in the way of air fair and how to actually get to the Island mate.
If there is anything you can suggest that I will need to know, I will be most grateful mate, as I have never been outside Australia on my own horse so to speak, as all previous travel was with the Army, mostly South East Asia stuff, so I really have no idea, and any tips are welcome mate. :-/
 15 April 2016, 08:18
Mike Kryza
You're welcome. (🙂
 15 April 2016, 10:23
Frank Krause
Wow, that's what I call great news. Looking forward to meet you, Kerry!

There will be some cars being travelling from Southern Germany towards Wangerooge Island. Depending on when and which airport you arrive, we could probably arrange a pick-up and your holidays would start on German autobahn at 200 km/h.😉
 15 April 2016, 11:19
Holger Kranich
And that legally!
 15 April 2016, 11:31
Kerry COX Autor
PharrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrK. 😛
My dreams are coming true. hehehehe🙂
 15 April 2016, 12:06
soheil moghisi
Very nice.
 15 April 2016, 13:25
Joerg R.
Would be very nice to meet you Kerry 👍👍👍
 15 April 2016, 16:46
Christian Meyerhoff
I never thought that this will happen! Welcome mate! I`m looking foreward to meet You! If there are any problems with travelling from the airport to Wangerooge just send me a PM.😉 Try to get a flight to Bremen.
 15 April 2016, 18:07
Thomas Mayer
And if you like to, Kerry, come with the Army! We love tanks!
 15 April 2016, 18:34
Holger Kranich
Bremen seems to be too expensive. ..
 15 April 2016, 18:38
Kerry COX Autor
Hi gents. 🙂
I have just spent the last couple of hours working out where I am going and how to get there, and the items I will need to have to build a masterpiece once I am there. 🤔
Checking with QANTAS and what I can have in my bag, or rather, what I CAN'T have in my bag on the flight, I will have to do some pretty smart planning on what to buy for when I get there.(Germany)🤔
So, What I am thinking is this. 👍
I order and pay for all the items I will require that I am not allowed to carry , have the items sent to someone's address who is attending, and have them bring the package/s with them to Wangerooge for me. 😉
This will be paints, glue, hobby blades, and the like, (the sort of stuff I can use to hijack or blow up a plane with). 🤔
So, if one of you master modellers would like to be my hero and volunteer to bring this package/s with you to the meet on my behalf, please raise you hand. As I will quite happily stand all the drinks you would like for your willingness to help a fellow modeller. 🙂 👍
You might even get drunk. lol 👍
my email address
It would be a weight off my mind to have this part of my trip sorted before I set off from here, and I will not have to go through any strip search at the boarding gate at the airport when the scanners and dogs start going off. 😛
Thanks in advance.👍
 15 April 2016, 19:52
Thomas Mayer
As I proposed: ask Holger if he would agree to have your stuff delivered to him. When you arrive on the island your stuff is already there!
Heidi and me will gladly bring the Tamiya Extra Thin for you! No need to buy!
 15 April 2016, 20:24
Kerry COX Autor
🙂. Good evening Germany, this is Australia calling. 🙂
Thomas, I will ask Holger as you did suggest before mate. 👍
I am just not keeping a clear head at the moment, all loaded up with imaginings of being in a different place. 🙂
I really appreciate you generous offer of the Tamiya glue Thomas, but you save your meagre cash supplies please, as you need it more than I do mate. 👍
Now, is there anything you would like me to bring from Oz for you.?
A wombat, or an Echidna, or a Bilby, or even an Emu.(pronounced E-mew, NOT Emoo) hahahaha ?🤔
I am open to all suggestions mate. 🙂
OR, how about a 'drop bear'. ?
I hope you realise I am being a smart ass here. 🙂 🙂 🙂
But I will bring something that is "Australian" for you and Heidi, how could I not. !!?
 15 April 2016, 21:54
Joerg R.
Kerry, If you would fly to Frankfurt, I would come and take you with me to Wangerooge. Just an opinion.
 16 April 2016, 01:04
Kerry COX Autor
Joerg, I thank you so much for your offer of help, and just at the moment, I am still working out where to land, and what connecting flights I will have to take to get as close as possible, but I would like to have a bit of a 'look see' before I actually head to Wangerooge it's self. So I will see what happens first, as this will be all new to me and I have never been to Europe before. I will let you know what I come up with closer to the date I plan to be there. 🙂 👍
 16 April 2016, 01:09
Ingmar Stöhr
Hi Kerry, I'm somewhat late to the party but I'm also looking forward to meeting you next year. Especially if I consider that some mates from Germany are afraid of the long journey😉
If you want to do some sightseeing in Germany you could as well fly to Munich and travel with us guys from southern Germany as we'll have to cross all of Germany from south to north on our way to Wangerooge 😉
Honestly, if you want to spend some time in southern Germany feel free to contact me. I'm sure we can arrange an interesting meeting with some local mates and of course some sight seeing.
 9 May 2016, 17:52
Kerry COX Autor
Ingmar, G'day mate. 🙂 ! WOW, I am just overwhelmed by all of the most generous offers of meeting up with all you wonderful people, and I am really wanting to spend some time having a look at your country from as many angle as I can. 👍 I have never been to Europe before, and it will be just such an exciting experience for me. I just hope I can keep pace with it all. lol 🙂
I am thinking of flying directly to Hamburg and then to Wangerooge, and from there, after the meeting with all of the participants on the island, I will take the trip south with you on your way back, if I could share a ride with you. ?
 9 May 2016, 22:20
Ingmar Stöhr
Sounds like a good plan to me. If you really manage to make it all the way from down under to meet us on this tiny, windy and cold island called Wangerooge, it would be a shame if we were not able to give you a ride and show you around! Sadly it will not be the best time of the year. The snow will likely be gone but spring will not have set in either. So it might look a bit sad.
 10 May 2016, 19:14
Christian Meyerhoff
But.... the first break on the way back home to South Germany will be cake and coffee served by me. Same procedure as every year... 🙂
 10 May 2016, 19:32
Thomas Mayer
Hmm... You didn´t serve coffe and cake (Yummi!!!) to Heidi and me while on Wangerooge! Bummer...
 10 May 2016, 19:38
Christian Meyerhoff
That's true Thomas, because Heidi and You left earlier this year. So how can I serve You both some coffee at home, while still being at Wangerooge? 🙂 ?
 10 May 2016, 19:46
Kerry COX Autor
Gentlemen, what's this ? 🙁 Tiny ?......windy ?......cold ?.....:-/. And here I was thinking it was going to be a sun baked semi tropical paradise, with suntanned people in shorts and smothered with sun cream under umbrellas on the beaches. !!! Oh well, I guess I will just have to suck up the fact I will have to be indoors for a whole week, doing what I love !!!. 👍 👍 👍
AND, having great company and conversation with a few good mates. 🙂 🙂
LOL, Life was not meant to be easy so I have heard. hahahaha🙂
I can't wait. :-p
The cake and coffee will make it all so complete. 🙂
 10 May 2016, 21:29
Holger Kranich
Is there a place in Australia where the average degree´s are under 20°? If not, take place in your fridge, it will not be as cold as here but you can practice! 😄
 1 June 2016, 09:18
Kerry COX Autor
OMG, my walk in fridge is going to be where I 'acclimatise' eh. ??? 🙁 Brrrrrrrr !
 1 June 2016, 10:59
Holger Kranich
A walk in the fridge will only give you a glimpse of an idea what coldness means here. But to get a better idea - take a cold bath, walk in the fridge and switch on a fan without heating.😄
Actually its 16° celsius and we have summer.😉
 1 June 2016, 11:19
Urban Gardini
Kerry! Be glad that the meeting isn't in my nick of the woods as temperatures downwards to -20 C isn't unusual at that time of the year. -35C in Jan/Feb so it would be even worse if held earlier...
 1 June 2016, 11:24
Frank Krause
Hehe, Urban, where is your subscription? For you stay on Wangerooge at that time would be your "summer vacation"?😉 😄
 1 June 2016, 11:30
Holger Kranich
Urban would be the only one in shorts and shirt, although everyone else wears winter gear!😄
 1 June 2016, 12:04
Urban Gardini
Hehe, but sometimes during the summer, usually a week or so we'll have +35 C here. Compare that to the lowest temperature that I've experienced here that was -42 C. That makes a temperature window of around 70 degrees over a year each year, there's not that many places with that extreme shift of temperatures during a whole year.
 1 June 2016, 12:19
Holger Kranich
I just had a quick peek to Skelleftea, Urbans home and i found this:

 1 June 2016, 12:25
Holger Kranich
 1 June 2016, 12:25
Urban Gardini
Hehe That photo is taken somewhere around 5-8km from where I live and is a normal sight during the winter months.
 1 June 2016, 12:33
Holger Kranich
Wow, we dont have so much snow on the island because of the gulf stream. Looks beautiful, Urban!
 1 June 2016, 12:39
Kerry COX Autor
My son went to Canada last year, and he physically ached the whole time from just how cold it was. He said that it was close to 50- where he was. Regina SASKATCHEWAN, and couldn't wait to get home. LOL 🙂 And I am working out just what to bring that will be warm, other than my smile, as that usually melts everyone's hearts. 🙂 LMFAO. 👍
Oh, 🙁......Well, I thought it was funny. 😉
No matter what, I AM going to beat the cold and enjoy everything that will happen, and, I am really looking forward to one visit to the "Pudding Shop" there. 🙂
Only about 270 more days to go.! 🙂 hehehehe. 👍
 1 June 2016, 13:33
Thomas Mayer
Kerry, I am pretty sure Holger has some "liquids" that make you very warm and comfortable! 😉
 1 June 2016, 14:31
Holger Kranich
Ah Kerry, just come over and we supply you with warm clothes. We make you look like a real badass seagull!

 1 June 2016, 14:49
Kerry COX Autor
Thomas and Holger. I am so lucky to know all will be good, and if the seagulls are as game as the ones here. I can believe the image you posted too. Swarms of them on our beaches here. real pests. :-/
 1 June 2016, 15:15
Holger Kranich
The rats of the air, as we say here.
 1 June 2016, 17:58
Holger Kranich
But to be honest, when i hear them i immediately feel home. But imagine my surprise as i saw some in Munich!
 1 June 2016, 18:24
Christian Meyerhoff
Wie jetzt, bayrische Möwen? Mit Lederhose oder was ?
 1 June 2016, 18:34
Thomas Mayer
Jo mei!
 1 June 2016, 20:26
Ingmar Stöhr
It will be such a great joy to listen to this type of conversations while happily separating parts from sprues and ships passing by on the horizon.
 2 June 2016, 04:57
Joerg R.
Yes, and a light smell of Tamiya Thin reaches your nose.... :-D:-D:-D
 2 June 2016, 05:08
Thomas Mayer
Wait until I open the new Tamiya Extra Thin Quick Setting glue! This one will blow the windows out!!
 2 June 2016, 06:16
Kerry COX Autor
I will not light my candle while all this glue pot activity is happening, as we just might actually get blown out the windows ourselves. hehehehe. 🙂
And, if this gathering of modelling giants is going to be anything like the club meetings I have attended in the past, it sure will not be a quiet place. 👍 🙂
 2 June 2016, 06:56
Thomas Mayer
You will be astonished how quiet a room full of modelling people can be! Aside from some weird comments or rude words when you hear a "Pling!"...
 2 June 2016, 18:10
Christian Meyerhoff
Yep! No yelling or farting during the sessions, but.... there will be many breaks😉
 2 June 2016, 19:13
Kerry COX Autor
Well that will be a welcome change. 🙂
And considering the expense I usually have when attending an event here, this will be the most enjoyable outlay I have ever pursued, as I get to see all my online friends in person, eat and drink some of the best pudding and beer, and see a place I have never seen before. 👍
What a week eh. ! 🙂
 2 June 2016, 19:53

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