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36 5 September 2020, 23:33
Ben M
Watching this beast
 5 September 2020, 23:48
Jay Dubya
Ditto for me, Amigo
 6 September 2020, 04:11
Lochsa River
If its a seaplane...i'm in...enjoy
 6 September 2020, 04:16
Michael Kohl
Me too
 16 November 2022, 00:10
Robert Podkoński
Joining the party!
 18 November 2022, 09:32
Thomas Bischoff
Awesome project
 18 November 2022, 13:49
 18 November 2022, 13:54
Pietro De Angelis
Wonderful seaplane!
 18 November 2022, 14:49
Very nice (and hard) job so far.
 18 November 2022, 19:20
David Culp
Great project. Those Anigrand kits are a nice challenge.
 18 November 2022, 21:43
It's a nice looking plane, that's for sure. I hope the old 1/144 Airfix kit I found has the same presence.
 20 November 2022, 06:07
Łukasz Gliński
 20 November 2022, 18:58
Bernhard Schrock
A front row seat please! Watching with great interest. P.S. After reading the novel by Ken Follet (Night over water) I'm a great fan of this flying boat. 🙂
 20 November 2022, 19:45
Wow, colossus! How impressive. Front row too!
 20 November 2022, 20:01
Dick Autor
Thanks gentlemen😊!
I almost start to like the 'resin challenges' that Anigrand produces..

@Carlo: the Airfix kit has the same and maybe even better presence.. The Anigrand version seems to have a more bulbous nose, and during the search for detailed photo material of this plane on the Internet (not easy..) I see more similarity in shape with the Airfix kit.

I wish I had the 1:144 Airfix decal sheet in 1:72 scale, as I need the 'Pan American Airways System' text and logo's.
Still thinking how to get that done🤔
 21 November 2022, 23:10
Dick Autor
@Bernhard: 😬Nice, I like reading and searched for the title you mentioned… Very interesting, thanks! I will try to order this book.

I watched a short doc on YT lately about a Clipper that 'accidentally flew around the world'.. recommended!
 21 November 2022, 23:21
Any progress, Dick?
 27 February, 19:55
Dick Autor
Hi Cuajete, yes I did finish it 2 weeks ago. Also finishing some other long time project-kits (Amodel Il-76 and the 1:72 Carvair conversion), so to be continued.
1  28 February, 08:13
Thank you Dick. Fantastic job so far 👍
So it leaves the windows black?
1  28 February, 20:17
Great work! Well done with a challenging kit!👍🏻
1  28 February, 20:17
Zbynek Honzik
Very nice!
1  28 February, 20:23
Dick Autor
😊Thank you all!
Still needs finishing touches, like little paint corrections, thin steering cables from fuselage to tail, PAA decals and a final clear coat.

@Cuajete: Yes, all windows are black except the cockpit windows and the little dome on the top fuselage. But as there's no interior and it was my intention to make this kit a desktop model, so it's ok this way..
1  1 March, 00:42
Maybe you should try Michel from
He makes great decals for good prices!. Ask him!
 1 March, 13:36
Michael Kohl
Do you know whether they are still in business? Last update on their homepage is Dec 2020 and they request the files in Corel Draw.
 1 March, 14:17
What a beast, with a hefty price tag, but beautiful 👍
1  1 March, 14:26
As far as I know they are still in business. 🤔
 1 March, 14:27
SVG format should work too, as they mention "or another vector based drawing program".
That is the native format of Inkscape, and the INTERFLUG logo is available on Wikipedia as SVG file. You can modify it further, e.g. remove the lettering.
 1 March, 14:30
1  1 March, 14:35
Well done!
1  1 March, 20:31
Dick Autor
Thank you all mates😊!

@Tini Hendriks: thanks for the tip! I will give it a try if my decals can't be used👍🏻
 2 March, 00:09

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