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FineScale Modeler Volume 24 Issue 4

FineScale Modeler


FineScale Modeler
Volume 24 Issue 4 | April 2006


Build Report, 1:72  | Page 12
Bill Waldorf's incredible 8'-long USS Wolverine

by Jeff Herne
Bill constructed more than 4,000 parts for his scratchbuilt Great Lakes training carrier

News | Page 16
New kit report

by Paul Boyer
Check out the new kits you can look forward to seeing on hobby shop shelves in the coming year

Build Report, 1:35  | Page 20
Silly Putty Panzer

by Kevin Kuster
Kevin's simple masking technique takes his tank from ordinary to unique
Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf. J / Sd.Kfz. 161/2
Tamiya 1:35
35181 1994 Instrumentul nou

Build Report | Page 24
Keith Hudson's magnificent modeling room

by Amanda Bothe
Keith forgoes an ordinary workbench for a family-friendly modeling room

Build Report, 1:24  | Page 28
Tropical challenge

by Tomasz Menert
Tomasz prepares his Bf 109E for tropical missions with a green and sand-colored camouflage
Messerschmitt Bf109E
Airfix 1:24
12002 1989 Notificări noi

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 34
Remodeling Monogram's Thud

by Darwin Evelsizer
Backdate an F-105D Thunderchief to a pre-camouflage Vietnam combat aircraft
F-105D Thunderchief
Monogram 1:48
5812 1985 Piese noi

Build Report | Page 46
Unbelievable micro-Tiger

by Jeff Herne
Jeff will boggle your mind with his micro-details

Build Report, 1:96  | Page 48
A giant leap

by Philip Gore
Aftermarket parts dress up Revell Germany's re-release of the classic Saturn V kit
Apollo: Saturn V 25. Jahre Mondlandung 1969 (25 year Anniversary)
Revell 1:96
04805 1994 Modificat ??? Subiecte multiple (2)
Saturn V Detail Set
New Ware 1:96
NW008 2000 Instrumentul nou Subiecte multiple (2)
Saturn V decals
New Ware 1:96
NWD006 200x Instrumentul nou Subiecte multiple (2)

Review, 1:35  | Page 54
Workbench Reviews

by Tom Foti
Tristar 35015, PzKpfw IV Ausf D
Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf D 7,5cm Sd.Kfz.161 4.u.5/B.W
Tristar 1:35
35015 2005 Instrumentul nou

Review, 1:35  | Page 55
Workbench Reviews

by Phil Kirchmeier
Dragon 6264, PzKpfw IV Ausf E
Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. E 3 in 1 (Ausf. E Early, Ausf. E Late, and Ausf. E DAK)
Dragon 1:35
6264 2005 Instrumentul nou

Review, 1:32  | Page 56
Workbench Reviews

by Larry Schramm
Trumpeter 02231, A-7E Corsair II
US Navy
A-7E Corsair II
Trumpeter 1:32
02231 2005 Instrumentul nou

Review, 1:72  | Page 57
Workbench Reviews

by Paul Boyer
Academy 12406, SB2C-4 Helldiver
SB2C-4 Helldiver
Academy 1:72
12406 2005 Instrumentul nou

Review, 1:144  | Page 58
Workbench Reviews

by Chuck Davis
Revell 04221, Antonov An-124 Ruslan
Antonov An-124 "Ruslan"
Revell 1:144
04221 (80-4221) 2005 Instrumentul nou

Review, 1:48  | Page 59
Workbench Reviews

by Jim Zeske
Tamiya 32519, M10 U.S. tank destroyer
Tank Destroyer M10 Mid Production
Tamiya 1:48
32519 (MM No.19) 2005 Piese noi

Review, 1:24  | Page 59
Workbench Reviews

by Larry Schramm
Vintage Fighter Series VF2402, Curtiss P-40B/C
Curtis P-40 Pearl Harbor 'America Strikes Back'
Vintage Fighter Series 1:24
VF2402 2005 Piese noi

Review, 1:48  | Page 60
Workbench Reviews

by Al Jones
Hobbycraft HC1613, F7U-3/3M Cutlass
F7U-3/3M Cutlass
Hobbycraft 1:48
HC1613 2006 Notificări noi

Reference | Page 74
History You Can Model

by Jeff Herne
The battlecruiser HMS Hood