KIT 199, Volume 51, Nr 3

- Revistă:
- Număr:
- 199, Volume 51, Nr 3 | October-January 2021
- Limba:
- Dutch/French
Editorial | Page 4IPMS Editorial
by Erwin HeylensNews | Page 5IPMS News
Build Report, 1:48 | Page 14Apollo 11 Translunar Injection Part 2
by Pieter AertsCommand & Service Module with Lunar Module

Apollo: Lunar Module Eagle & Spacecraft Columbia
Revell 1:48
04808 1994 Cutie nouă Subiecte multiple (3)Build Report, 1:20 | Page 28Honda MP4/6 part 1
by Christophe PouillardJapan Grand Prix 1991

McLaren MP4/6 Cockpit Detail-up Set
Top Studio 1:20
McLaren MP4/6 Antenna
Top Studio 1:20
McLaren MP4/6 Air Funnel
Top Studio 1:20
TD23151 Review, 1:144 | Page 54A First Look
by Didier WaelkensHS.748/Andover CC.2

HS.748 / Andover CC.2 British and Belgian Service
Mark I Models 1:144
MKM144120 2020 Instrumentul nou